Aquarius Full Moon:
spiritual Up-Leveling

by Juliana McCarthy

From Thought Forms by Annie Besant + C.W. Leadbeater

From Thought Forms by Annie Besant + C.W. Leadbeater

August 22, 2021 — An Aquarius Full Moon arrives on Sunday at 5:01am Pacific Time. It falls at 29º—the anaretic degree, which indicates the finish of a journey. This is also the second of two Aquarius Full Moons within the past month. Now, we can conclude our recent lessons and cycles of release. We can take deep breaths and notice our anxieties beginning to soften.

With Jupiter conjunct the Full Moon, this lunation is blessed. We are expanding and up-leveling on a soul level, opening our hearts and minds to include more and more, as we graduate to new frequencies. We are learning how to feel free within ourselves and then extend that freedom to our outer worlds. 

Where have we broken free? Which limiting beliefs are no longer restricting our joy, truth, and authenticity?

With the double Aquarius Full Moon, the theme of liberation is magnified. Individually and collectively, we are stepping into greater dimensionality. Our perspectives are shifting. If we tune in, we can see ourselves and the world from a higher vantage point—from interconnection and limitless potential. To further broaden our minds, we might ask—

What do we feel grateful for in this very moment?

This Full Moon is also helping us find balance between our individual joy and the needs of those around us. We’re learning how to feel fulfilled on a personal level, even while witnessing the world’s chaos and tumult. In the midst of uncertainty, we can trust our unfoldment, remembering that even pain and difficulty are fodder for awakening. They push us toward courage, and help us find our next paths forward.

As we begin to understand ourselves much better, we can feel more comfortable with the uniqueness of who we are. We can celebrate our authentic expressions, while making room for infinite variations of being human.

With the Sun shifting into Virgo, a sense of humility and service is permeating our hearts and minds. We’re ready to do the work that’s necessary to continue our expansion, as we feel an abundance of hope in our hearts and concern for all beings. We’re playing the long game, and we might remember that creating enlightened society is very possible down the road. We only have to keep touching Earth and holding her sacred, returning to center and remembering our joy, no matter what.


On this Aquarius Full Moon, may we break out of our internal restrictions and experience true freedom from within. With hands on our hearts, may we generate immense joy and generosity, no matter what happens in the world around us.

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