Gemini Full Moon:
Stilling Our Busy Minds

by Juliana McCarthy

Robert Mapplethorpe

December 18, 2021 — The final Full Moon of 2021 arrives on Saturday at 8:36pm Pacific Time, falling in the sign of Gemini. Here, we end eclipse season and continue to release the overwhelm of the lunar nodes moving along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. We can take time today to acknowledge and assuage any wounds that have accumulated this year, making room for our cups to fill with higher frequencies of light, inspiration, relationships, and new experiences.

For the past eighteen months, we’ve been inundated by a flurry communication and opinions as we’ve questioned what’s true and struggled against paranoia. Firmly held beliefs have come up for review, and we’ve worked as a collective to construct a new language that challenges outmoded worldviews. Healthy communication is now key, and we may have to work to subdue difficult exchanges, spinning minds, and an eruption of old patterns.

However, with Jupiter in Aquarius offering his support, we can emerge from our pain and find a higher vantage point. We’re learning how to embrace fresh ideals and end our habitual fighting, divisiveness, and internal conflict. Optimism and deep peace may permeate our hearts as we contemplate all that’s beginning to appear on the horizon.

With this Gemini Full Moon, we can breathe and feel a sense of relief and completion. Stilling our spinning minds, we can drop into our heart centers. Neptune is forming a wide square to the Sun and Moon, while the Sun is aligned with the Galactic Center. We can meditate on the deeper truths that underly our words, thoughts, and ideas. If we connect with silence, we might even notice messages of wisdom channeling through us from the Divine.

Where have our minds been overcomplicating our realities?
How far have we come in rectifying faulty thinking?
Where did we go too far in believing distortions of truth?
Where did we become too intellectual or dogmatic, ignoring our hearts?

In their highest potential, Gemini embraces paradox like no other. They question firm beliefs and understand that there are nuances and subtleties that exist beyond any decided narrative. Every story has two sides, and Gemini knows that objective truth requires considering both. We can now channel Gemini’s lessons and carry them forward into the next chapter, which is starting to unfurl.

As a final note, Venus is preparing for her powerful retrograde cycle, which begins tomorrow. The journey of recalibrating our relationships is about to ramp up. We are growing up and learning how to make peace, even within ourselves. We’re starting the process of translating our words into practical actions, forging healthier connections, creating more inspired art, and implementing new laws and inventions that could actually shift our shared reality.


On this Gemini Full Moon, may we relax our spinning minds and tune into deeper truth, heart, and wisdom. May we relax our strong opinions, allowing silence, practicality, and peace to finally take hold.

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