Leo New Moon / Solar Eclipse:
Tender Courage

by Juliana McCarthy


August 11, 2018 — The Leo New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse arrives early Saturday morning, at 5:46am Eastern Time—officially closing the eclipse vortex. The third and final eclipse of the summer, it's granting us a powerful opportunity to set genuine intentions for a whole new phase. Before tomorrow, we might ask ourselves:

Where have we been the most stuck? What have we been afraid of going after?

Whatever we've been craving—whether it's new phases in relationships, career, home, purpose, or community—the planets are ready to jolt us out of ruts and stagnation. We’re moving through old traumas and wounds, stepping into lives that better align with our authenticity, joy, and deepest potentials. 

With seven planets in retrograde, this is not the time for leaping ahead. We’re undergoing deep internal shifts—fresh starts that seed from within. As the Moon eclipses the Sun, our innermost selves are blocking out our ego, pushing us to examine our true worthiness.

Who are we without external validation? How can we love ourselves more?

Mercury retrograde conjuncts the Lunar Eclipse, and we may be feeling tongue-tied. The planets are encouraging us to pause before expressing ourselves fully. This is a beautiful time for making art in private—painting, or writing songs, letters, or poems—engaging in creative output that we may not share.

The key now is patience—resting with our discomfort and uncertainty. If we’re spinning stories, we can pause to breathe and drop into our hearts. We have no idea what will emerge from these energetic shifts. It’s important now to embrace our not knowing, and the mystery of what’s to come. The more we can feel our feelings, without fear or resistance, the more our hearts will expand, and our true paths unfold.

Assisting us, Uranus in Taurus is squaring the Moon’s nodes, pushing us outside our comfort zones. Wherever we’ve been frozen, we’re now ready to break free. We're liberating from self-doubt and limiting conditioning, becoming more of who we are. We're blazing trails and expressing ourselves more fully, without worrying what other people think.

The asteroid Pallas holds a key to our way forward. Forming a conjunction with the Moon, Pallas is encouraging us to strategize and plan. We’re harnessing the power of the female warrior—the compassionate goddess who blends rational mind with heart. With so much change underway—and so many aspects of our lives and society altering and exploding—Pallas is here to help us find clarity around the best way forward. She’s assisting us in creating order from the chaos—sanity and cohesion from our broken pieces.

As we consider our next moves, we can nod to Pallas as we step into our gentleness and courage, authenticity and heart. We can stand up for what is right while generating limitless love for ourselves and our fellow humans. And in true Leo form, we can be generous, helping each other to calmer waters in the wake of a rather painful eclipse season.

On this Leo Solar Eclipse, may we relax with the unknown. May we strengthen our spines, soften our hearts, and embody a new kind of power—one of stillness, genuineness, and tender heart.

To schedule an astrology reading with Juliana, visit here, or write: info@etherealculture.com

My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is now available for pre-order!