November 2021 Astrology:

by Juliana McCarthy 

November begins with Scorpio in command, lifting our veils. The Scorpion has been pulling us into the cauldron of intimacy, self-awareness, and truth. From here, we are ready to undergo some hard work, rebuilding our self-esteem and establishing higher quality relationships.

With the Scorpio New Moon on November 5, we are entering a new era of choosing love over fear. This new chapter ramps up with Eclipse season, which begins this month. A Taurus Lunar Eclipse arrives on November 19—the first eclipse along the Taurus-Scorpio axis in almost two decades. We are releasing stale energy and working through old traumas, while themes around the environment, finances, love, and sexuality are becoming more pressing, both personally and collectively.

Throughout the month, the planets implore us to refine our internal dialogues and outward communication. We can face unconscious fears and beliefs about ourselves that have blocked us from grace and flow. Fresh starts are imminent, especially around love and self-worth, as we grow into more mature, whole, and loving versions of ourselves. Clearer about who we are and what we want, we can better discern when to compromise and when to hold fast to our values and ideals.

How can we find common ground? How can we connect with our mutual intelligence and heart, no matter where we diverge with others?

The healing we do now will help to ensure that next year’s transits lead us more toward positive transformation rather than needless struggle.

November Transits


A Scorpio New Moon arrives on November 4. Opposite to shocking Uranus, this lunation triggers plot twists that could ultimately lead to breakthrough. Uranus is ready to zap us into new alignment if we can open and surrender. Our deepest desires are awakening, and we may feel more experimental and dimensional in our expressions of sexuality and interpersonal connection. With the eclipse portal now opening—the Lunar Eclipse arriving in two weeks—our karma is beginning to compress and speed up. External events could now catapult us into rapid soul growth.


On November 5, Venus enters Capricorn and Mercury enters Scorpio. We are deciding what we want to commit to and invest in long-term. We may feel more discerning about who to let in and how we want to connect. At the same time, our communications are deepening, becoming more intimate and real.


On November 9, Mercury conjoins Mars while they both square Saturn. This transit causes feelings of stuckness, sluggishness, and frustration. Saturn is challenging our minds, communication, and physical bodies, forcing us to reckon with uncomfortable energetic blocks, karma, and obstacles. We might remember that just like weather, all feelings pass. Soon, Mercury and Mars will exactly oppose Uranus, helping us to liberate from Saturn’s prison. Meanwhile, on November 12, the Sun in Scorpio will form a gentle trine to Neptune, supporting us to soften our hearts and return to flow.

Until then, we can relax with whatever we're feeling, noticing where we feel stuck and frozen. With warmth and clarity, we can observe the challenges that continue to plague us and feel unsolvable. Mercury and Mars will oppose Uranus later in the week, igniting shock and sudden change. He’ll infuse us with fresh energies and perspectives, shifting us into new alignments.


The Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse arrives on November 19, in the sign of Taurus. We are forging new types of relationships and friendships while releasing old heartache. Here, we are starting an eighteen-month period of eclipses falling along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Issues pertaining to the Earth, environmentalism, love, sexuality, and money are taking on greater urgency. Until the next eclipse in two weeks, we can notice our karma further compressing. The world is intensifying as our timelines quicken. We are ready to break free of outworn patterns, feelings, and beliefs in order to develop into more evolved versions of ourselves.


On November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius. We emerge from the shadows of Scorpio Season, raising our gazes to greater optimism, adventure, and humor. This is a good month to travel and commune with nature. Mercury follows suit and enters Sagittarius three days later, on November 24. Our cheerfulness and intuition are fully activated as our minds and hearts merge with higher consciousness.


[Sun conjunct Mercury, Mars trine Neptune, Sun + Mercury
trine Chiron + sextile Saturn, Venus sextile Neptune]

A series of transits form on November 29 and 30, bringing flashes of insight and more constructive dialogue. We may feel vulnerable yet strong as we mature into more compassionate, sophisticated versions of ourselves. Our hearts and dialogues are softening and opening. We are ready to do the hard work of healing our divisiveness, rigidity, faulty thinking, and communication. While some of our fighting and confrontational questioning has been good—helping to shift our culture in significant ways—our zealotry and conspiratorial thinking have also caused us major problems. Are we ready to reconnect with humor and transition into a new phase? Can we establish greater peace that comes from healing our traumas and acknowledging the truth, without resistance? Can we stop waiting for our circumstances to change so that we can be happy, finding our joy in the here and now, no matter what? We are ready for the next chapter, and the planets are helping us turn the page, with gentleness yet certainty.

November Summary

The Astrology of November presents significant shifts, with the eclipse portal opening and an eclipse arriving along the Taurus-Scorpio axis for the first time in about eighteen years. We are beginning a new year-and-half-long journey, as we wrap up the Gemini-Sagittarius lessons around truth, zealotry, and beliefs gone awry. Surprises are in store, rattling us into long-lasting change. Saturn and Uranus are both active this month, helping us release the past and construct a new future. With Venus moving into Capricorn, our value systems are strengthening as we clarify who and what we love and want to commit to. At the same time, sexuality and connection are taking higher precedence, especially as we continue to heal our trauma. The more we undergo our deepest work, facing our truth with awareness and worthiness, the more we can dive into real intimacy and pleasure, breaking out of our current stagnancy and obstacles. The lessons of Uranus in Taurus are beginning to hit a long crescendo as the eclipses join in with the symphony. It’s time to rethink finances, resources, our relationship to the Earth, food, farming, and sensuality. Meanwhile, we can slow down and allow our complicated thoughts and beliefs to fall away and melt into simplicity. If we lose our minds, we can return to touch, to presence, and to holding hands and being right here, together.


As the leaves begin to fall, may we feel our hearts laid bare, more confident in our vulnerability. May we open to gentle change, allowing all that’s decayed to fall to the Earth, alchemizing into new life.

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