october 2021 NEWSLETTER

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Happy October!

The month begins inside the murky waters of multiple retrogrades. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are all on backwards journeys, and it may be difficult to find traction or make decisions. This feeling is exacerbated by multiple planets transiting through spacious, indecisive Libra. On the bright side, this is a potent time to go inward and recalibrate our minds, hearts, and relationships. With intention and care, we can pause before deciding which path we will forge.

Mars makes strong appearances during this month’s lunations. We are working to heal our clarity and anger so we can move forward with Mars’ confidence and Libra’s grace and self-forgiveness. Libra teaches us to make space for all—to harmonize with any discord that arises and to love ourselves just as we are. Meanwhile, Mars makes himself heard, ensuring we stand our ground with courage and strength.

How can we simultaneously embody gracious Venus and assertive Mars?

When Jupiter and Mercury station direct on October 18, clarity abounds. Until this point, we’ve been working to recalibrate our minds and beliefs, restoring justice and harmony as we go easier on ourselves. Chiron opposes Mercury as he stations. We are healing any aggression that’s been seeping through our words and thought patterns, moving forward with gentle confidence and vulnerable strength.

By the end of the month, the Sun and Mars will shift into Scorpio, calling us to dive deeper, transforming our shadows into wisdom and strength. Until then, we are learning to have compassion for ourselves—to balance our prickliness with acceptance and peace, and to retain our individuality as we finally come together in unity and cooperation.

Read more about the Astrology of October here....



I'm meeting clients online and in person if you're vaccinated and in Los Angeles. You can sign up for all astrology readings and healing sessions here. Hope to see you!

october SUMMARY

The astrology of October begins in the midst of hazy recalibration. Most of the planets are either retrograding or clustered together in Libra, sign of balance and harmony. When a planet retrogrades, its backwards motion beckons us into deep reflection and review. It’s not the time to be impulsive or to catapult onto new trajectories. Rather, we can consider where we’ve gone wrong—where our minds, hearts, and relationships have been out of alignment. Libra is a relational planet, ruling love, so we are focused now on where we’ve been caught in disagreement and contention. The Libra New Moon offers us a fresh start around all types of relationships, while the Aries Full Moon elicits our desires and individualism—while possibly flaring our tempers. Overall, the theme this month is balance. How can we stand strong in our confidence, healing our self-denigration and self-doubt, while generating more acceptance of ourselves and others? We are learning to get along, to become more diplomatic as we stand up for what's fair and just. We are understanding better when we should hold our ground and when we should retreat. We're easing our paranoia and the belief that there is some evil enemy outside of ourselves. The astrology of October reminds me of something a Buddhist teacher said at my first meditation retreat: “As a spiritual practitioner, the first misconception to fall away is the division of the world between friends and enemies.” I couldn’t think of a better summary of the lessons in store for us this month. As the planets station direct, our minds, hearts, and intuitions will begin to clear. We will quicken our pace as we walk down inspired new paths as fresher versions of ourselves.


Like the colorful leaves jostling in their final dance, may we enjoy the winds of Libra’s acceptance before Scorpio’s deep surrender. May we feel the confidence to sit up straight and relax, our hearts open more fully because we finally trust ourselves.

Read my full article on the Astrology of October here....
To schedule an Astrology Reading or Healing Sessionsign up here.
