Taurus Lunar Eclipse:
Emerging from the Underworld

by Juliana McCarthy

Georgia O’Keeffe, Blue Morning Glories

November 19, 2021 — The Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse arrives on Friday at 1:57am Pacific Time, plunging us into the deep waters of eclipse season. This is a partial Lunar Eclipse, visible in Australia, the United States, Asia, and parts of the extreme north of Europe. Lunar Eclipses are exaggerated Full Moons, eliciting our deep-seeded feelings while drawing relational issues to the surface. Emotions can run high, and if we have unresolved wounds, we may feel them suddenly exposed—ready for healing and release.

This eclipse is the first in a series activating the Taurus-Scorpio axis until 2023. For the past year and a half, the eclipses have been falling along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, purifying our belief systems while asking us to question what is true. Working with this new axis, we are purifying our shadows while learning to establish greater security, self-worth, and sensual fulfillment.

The myth associated with Taurus is the goddess Persephone. After Hades abducts her and takes her to the underworld, she emerges triumphant at the start of Spring. She tames Cerus, the Bull, who’s been trampling villages. After befriending him, she rides on top of him, and together they set the flowers in bloom. Because she’s met her shadows, she’s not afraid of Cerus. She’s able to be fully present with his heart and the delights of Spring, relishing in Earth’s beauty.

In her highest potential, Taurus is whole because she has plunged into the hell realms—meeting her traumas, fears, and wounding, and looking her demons in the eye. This is where her groundedness and stability come from. She’s survived atrocities and transmuted her pain. Through this alchemy and surrender, her energy channels have opened, and she’s able to receive pleasure. This Lunar Eclipse has a similar effect on us—freeing us from the limitations of fear so we can enjoy our lives and each other.

During this Lunar Eclipse, Venus, Taurus’s ruler, is forming a trine to liberating Uranus, while Mars in Scorpio opposes him. Our inner masculine and feminine are breaking out of old ruts. We’re naming our desires without shame, and forging more honest, satisfying relationships. In doing so, we can become more authentic versions of ourselves.

Real intimacy is saying what we are afraid to say, owning our authenticity, rather than hiding behind people-pleasing. We risk everything to speak our truth because we are confident that we are enough—that we have all that we need, no matter what. This eclipse is moving us into these spaces of mutual truth and deeper connection that can come when we start to heal our self-worth.

Taurus is also connected to material security—to money, Earth’s resources, and our personal and collective values. We may feel shaky about finances and environmental crises right now. On a fundamental level, we’re learning how to survive under trying circumstances and to work in better harmony with the Earth and each other.

Meanwhile, Venus is out of bounds in Capricorn, so she’s operating as a wild card. She’s moving through practical Capricorn for the long haul as she prepares for her retrograde cycle. In the end, the message of this Lunar Eclipse is that if we stay in our truth and integrity, our wildest dreams are possible. We don’t need to stay within the realm of what’s historically shown itself. We can step outside the box and co-create visions of reality that have never before been possible.


On this Taurus Lunar Eclipse, may we find the courage to meet our fears and shadows, so we can liberate our capacity for truth and pleasure. May we celebrate our own worth and the Earth’s splendor, working together to manifest our wild, beautiful visions of what could be.

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