The Astrology of April 2023:
Coming home to ourselves
as eclipse season begins
Helen Torr
April 1, 2023 — We begin April in the wake of Saturn and Pluto changing signs, leading us into uncharted territories. The world itself may feel different as new energies swirl within. Multiple planets are in Aries, and we’re starting to come home to ourselves. We may feel extra agitation, passion, and impulsivity rising to the surface as Aries grants us the vitality to grow and change. Finding balance is key all month. Aries is also helping us reconnect with what we desire, while providing us strength to heal old wounds and rein in our addictions and destructive cycles. This is the time to take a leap, crossing the threshold into the next version of reality. We can now move through any fear or uncertainty that’s been holding us back.
Meanwhile, the eclipse portal is about to open this month, submerging us into a period of karmic compression. The Libra Full Moon forms on April 5, launching us into six weeks of auspiciousness, intensity, and potent lessons. We’re uprooting outworn relationship patterns while healing painful notions of self. An Aries Total Solar Eclipse forms on April 20, sparking a powerful new beginning that catapults us into evolution. This lunation is helping us stand strong in who we are as we clarify our priorities. From every direction, the planets are pushing us to strengthen our courage and self-esteem.
This summer, the south node enters Libra, and Venus retrogrades through Leo. We’ll undergo massive work around recalibrating our value systems and releasing conditioned narcissism and materialism. We are now preparing for those journeys as we celebrate the beauty of imperfection and the messiness of our direct self-expression. We don’t need to be perfect to be loved, and we don’t need to contort ourselves to please others. As we move deeper into the Aquarian Age, the planets are beckoning us to get right with ourselves and forge healthier bonds based on true connection and spiritual ideals. Our relationships are evolving rapidly as we learn to soften our hearts and relax the fear of being seen.
In the end, it’s not about loving just one person. Romantic love on the ultimate level is a gateway to loving all beings, and to recognizing that we are love itself. We’re dissolving our obsessions with instant gratification and superficiality, while embracing the infinite possibilities of love. If we are clear on what’s truly important, we won’t be swayed by another’s projections, neuroses, or insecurities.
We’re ready to expand our capacity for depth by owning our truth, knowing our values, and setting proper boundaries. With strong spines, we can keep our hearts open no matter what—remaining compassionate and clear, precise and warm. In doing so, we’ll take the essential first steps toward creating enlightened society.
April 2023 TRANSITS
The Libra Full Moon arrives on April 5, opening the eclipse portal. With the Sun in Aries engaging with Jupiter and Chiron, we’re finding our way through the deep inner work that we began in late February. We are learning lessons through others as we break free of unhealthy ruts, finding the balance between honoring ourselves and practicing compromise and diplomacy.
How can we uphold our own desires while also treating others with acceptance, love, and fairness?
If our relationships have been at odds with our own personal needs, this lunation could spark a shift. We can practice self-care, assert our truth, and align with our authenticity. From here, we can open to others more easily. We have much to learn from each other.
The Sun conjoins with Jupiter on April 11, while Jupiter is in a wide conjunction to Chiron. We are now gaining insight and perspective on the painful healing work that we’ve been undergoing for the past month and a half.
How can our wounds become our wisdom and expansion? How can our healing journeys lead us to more confidence, joy, and forward momentum?
We are finding strength and self-assurance in being exactly who we are—raw and perfectly imperfect.
An Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives on April 19, drawing us deeper into the karmic compression of eclipse season. The next two weeks will be powerful and revealing, helping us shed stagnant energies while taking great strides toward our evolution.
We may feel a sense of urgency to take our next steps. A lot of energy is activated with this eclipse, so it’s important to ground. We are stepping into the future at a fast pace—within our selves, our relationships, and society at large. This is an extremely important new beginning, and we can prepare accordingly, making our needs and wants abundantly clear.
Moving forward, who do we want to be? What do we want to pursue? How do we want to relate?
The Sun moves into Taurus on April 20, helping us find steadiness and connect with our sense pleasures. This is a welcome relief after the planets have sent us into fires of freshness, vitality, and impulsivity all month. We can slow down and appreciate the flowers of spring—the colors and fragrant warm breezes. We can take time for self-care and nourishment—cooking extravagant meals, planting our gardens, or connecting physically in intentional ways. With all of the work that we’ve been doing to heal ourselves and meet our pain, we can now stop to remember the beauty of the world and why it’s all worth it in the end. If we’re present with our bodies and the Earth’s splendor, we can experience infinite fulfillment. We only need to drop into this very moment and be here all the way.
Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus on April 21, giving us further impetus to slow down and integrate all that we’ve been healing and learning over the past couple of months. We can simplify our thoughts, becoming more practically minded and less dramatic or hasty. This is a beautiful opportunity to recalibrate our values and priorities, and to determine what’s important to us in this next major chapter. If we’ve been thinking negative thoughts about ourselves, we now have the chance to adjust our internal dialogue, aligning our intellect with a deeper sense of self-worth.
April 2023 Aspiration
As the weather warms and rays of sun peak through the clouds, may we remember who we are and relish in being alive. May we harness our newfound strength to heal, grow, and clarify our desires, as we leap into the next chapter of our relationships and lives.
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