Releasing Anxiety
in the midst of profound Change
Marcel Dzama
August 11, 2022 — The Aquarius Full Moon arrives on August 11, at 6:35pm Pacific Time, falling conjunct Saturn and square to Uranus and the Nodes. This Full Moon is heavy but offers a release valve for any anxiety or tension that has accumulated in our process of profound change.
We’re still in the wake of last week’s triple conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node. This disrupted our biggest patterns of stuckness while catapulting us onto the trajectories of our future selves. Uranus still remains on the North Node, his chaos and shock pushing us to our highest potentials. Both personally and collectively, we’re noticing rapid shifts after years of stagnancy and frustration.
As we face these disruptive energies, we need to make extra efforts to ground. The planets could be making us feel a little crazy, triggered, spun around, or disassociated. Uranus can feel like an electrical surge, but he’s ultimately working in our highest good, zapping us into new alignments.
With Saturn involved, we can slow down and take responsibility for our future, doing whatever’s necessary to free ourselves from past burdens. Harnessing maturity, realism, and discipline, we can trust that our efforts will pay off. Dignity and integrity are key. If we’ve been operating from our Scorpio South-Node shadows, we may notice karmic consequences now.
We’re in a dynamic process of shedding old versions of ourselves. As we begin to exit our cocoons, we can feel the excitement of what’s to come.
AQUARIUS FULL Moon Aspiration
On this Aquarius Full Moon, may we embrace the opportunity for rapid growth as we leap towards a future paradigm. May we shed our cocoons and celebrate new wings, then fly through the clouds of imminent change.
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