Aquarius New Moon:
lasting Change
Frank Wilbert Stokes
February 1, 2022 — An Aquarius New Moon arrives on February 1 at 12:46am Eastern Time, forming a conjunction to Saturn and a square to Uranus. This lights up the uncomfortable pattern that defined 2021—the struggle between our attachment to the past and desire for sweeping change. Whatever sudden breakthroughs we’re yearning for are tempered by Saturn obstacles, ensuring a more gradual shift. We now have the chance to accomplish our highest visions for the future, but only if we slow down, lay our foundations, and embrace hard work and integrity.
Where do we still need to break out of old ruts, and what practical measures can we take to create lasting change?
Luckily, Chiron is sextiling the New Moon, supporting us in our healing. If we’ve been feeling isolated or cut off from community and a sense of belonging, we can begin to remedy this. Venus, planet of love, has just stationed direct while Mercury is still retrograding, and our desires and perceptions have altered. We’re becoming clearer on what and who we want around us, and how we can show up as adults in our relationships—taking responsibility for our minds, thoughts, and communication. We may have experienced a change of heart or a readjustment in our connections in the past couple of months. We can now make a concerted effort toward building the friendships, romances, and communities that we long for.
One of the great gifts of Aquarius is that he helps us think outside the box, finding innovative solutions to longstanding problems. We can tap into our intuition and flashes of insight as we begin to realize future goals. As Saturn lords over us, preventing chaos and sudden moves, we can simply relax into a slower pace. We can use this as an opportunity to be thorough and complete in our personal and collective reinventions.
Today, we can look back and appreciate all that we’ve been through. We’ve emerged wiser, more patient, and weathered. We can now relax and meet our current setbacks with dignity as we continue to learn, grow, and co-create a new world.
On this Aquarius New Moon, may we draw our plans for a future and determine practical steps for achieving our dreams. May we embrace the hard work that’s necessary for creating profound change in the long-haul—along with decency, honesty, and pragmatism.
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