Aries Full Moon:
Loving Our Triggers
Anne Craven
October 1, 2020 — The Aries Full Moon arrives on Thursday, at 2:05pm Pacific Time, bringing the welcome chance for resolution in the midst of crisis. Mars, ruler of Aries, is forming a harsh square to Saturn and Pluto—the planets responsible for this year’s great collective upheaval. We’re experiencing deep triggering now, our painful patterns emerging in loud, unavoidable ways.
While these energies may feel frustrating or regressive, their purpose isn’t to punish us. They’re amplified now so that the Cosmic Sword can slice through our addictions, fears, anger, abuse, and paranoia. This way, we can clear old karma and move into the next phase of our evolution.
Meanwhile, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is conjunct the already agitated Aries Full Moon. With our wounds surfacing, we may feel raw, vulnerable, and even tired. Are we worn out from all of our fighting? Have our inner children finished their tantrums?
Gentleness and diplomacy are key, as the Libra Sun reminds us to practice acceptance and love. We can embrace all of who we are—feeling unconditional compassion for even our prickliest parts.
As Neptune squares the Nodes through early next year, our ongoing evolutionary journey involves healing and forgiving all parts of ourselves in order to dissolve our divisiveness. We can recognize that when one finger points forward, there are three pointing back. We might sit up straight and still our minds, then ask: How much of what we hate is really us? After setting healthy boundaries, can we feel empathy for all that we see and experience, both internally and externally?
Crises arise just before healing. We can hold steady through this firestorm, and trust that cool rains are coming. Collective soothing is possible as more of us embody genuine self-love.
Through the fires of crisis and renewal, may we find solace by connecting with our internal peace. May we learn to fearlessly love ourselves—even our worst triggers—then offer that same compassion to everyone we meet.
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