The courage to be vulnerable
Ann Craven
October 9, 2022 — An Aries Full Moon arrives on Sunday at 1:55pm Pacific Time, falling conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and opposite to love-oriented Venus in Libra. Our vulnerabilities and wounding are now activated, particularly around relationships and self-confidence.
What old hurts and fears are keeping us from fully opening our hearts? From taking action to attain our desires?
We now have the chance to see ourselves more clearly. With the courage of the Aries Sun, we can confront our pain while still remaining soft, loving, and empathetic. We can move through challenging feelings and receive any messages they have for us, while not lashing out on others or causing more suffering.
Aries is the risk-taker, while Chiron and Venus are working together to help us heal our capacities for love. Intimacy is telling someone what we’re afraid to say. It’s vulnerable and requires us to trust ourselves and risk our connections for the sake of truth. This is our work now—to face our fear of rejection so we can deepen our potential for love.
Any pain or confusion that’s surfacing now is helping us become more whole and cultivate a life that reflects our true longings. If we notice the contraction of fear in our bodies or defensiveness in our words, we can relax and find our truth beneath them—our love, anger, sadness, past wounding, or conditioned beliefs that we’re not worthy or enough.
As our feelings rise and release, what wisdom, relief, and clarity remain? What actions and conversations naturally arise from this process of surrender?
We’re ready now to unblock our hearts and feel greater possibilities for love—for both ourselves and each other.
ARIES FULL Moon Aspiration
On this Aries Full Moon, may we call on our brave hearts to face our wounds and express our truth to loved ones. May we stay with our vulnerability and tenderness, finding others who can join the dance as we support each other in being who we are and expressing how we feel.
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