ARIES Full moon:
Trisha Baga
24° Aries 34'
4:26 AM PDT / 7:26 AM EDT
October 17, 2024 — An Aries Full Moon forms on Thursday as part of a highly charged Cardinal Grand Cross. The Moon is in Aries, the Sun in Libra, and both square Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. This means that great tension has been building up that requires action. It’s time to become tender warriors and face what we’ve outgrown within ourselves and in our lives. We can allow our emotions to burst forth, finding humor in our childish impulses, conflicts, and eruptions.
On a more painful note, the Moon is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, igniting our deepest vulnerabilities for the sake of healing. If we can sit up straight and meet any intensity or discomfort that arises, we will make room for a harmonious opening that lies just beyond the horizon.
In the coming weeks, two Grand Trines and a Mystic Rectangle will form, offering balance and reprieve. For now, it’s about allowing space for anger, contention, and the animal in us that needs expression and release.
This Full Moon closes the door on eclipse season, which thematically has been very relational. It’s time for resolution, after which we may find profound relief.
We can feel proud of the work we’ve done over the past six weeks—no matter how imperfectly—reflecting on how we’ve met our challenges and fears and moved through them with courage. We are learning to say no and to prioritize our own well-being over pleasing others. Through this, we are becoming stronger, more resilient, and self-reliant, which will ultimately helps us establish deeper love and peace.
On this Aries Full Moon, may we honor our anger and childish impulses, finding humor and playfulness in the messiness of being human. May we experience more meaningful connections now that we have stronger spines, greater confidence, and candor. We know what’s ours and can more fully recognize the power in owning our dignity and worth.
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