Aries New moon:
spring begins inside our hearts
Henrietta Shore
0° Aries 50'
10:23am PST / 1:23 PM EST
March 21, 2023 — The New Moon forms on Tuesday at 0º Aries, the zenith of the sign and the gateway of the equinox. Our courage and life force are swelling as we emerge from a period of hazy confusion and powerful release. This is the time to make firm intentions that are rooted in our deepest desires.
Over the past couple weeks, we’ve been in Neptune’s fog, as he’s squared Mars and conjoined with the Sun and Mercury. We’ve been sleepy and uncertain, swimming in lethargy, and perhaps even grief and tears. Meanwhile, Pluto has been traveling along the last degree of Capricorn, helping us transmute karma from this life, past lives, and ancestors. As old triggers have emerged, the planets have been calling us into bravery and self-awareness so we can let go of stale, stuck patterns that still hold us back from fulfilling our dreams.
With Jupiter and Chiron conjoining over the past month, we’ve been experiencing deep wounds and vulnerabilities rising to the surface so we can heal them. Now, we are ready to cross a threshold, entering a new season and astrological new year. With Pluto moving into Aquarius on Wednesday, we’re also entering a whole new era in humanity. Both individually and collectively, we are becoming more dimensional—aligning with higher frequencies of light and potential.
In the background of this Aries New Moon, Venus and Juno are conjoining with the North Node, helping us embody more evolved ways of relating and loving each other. For the rest of the year, we’ll be up-leveling our capacity to love and engage in intimacy. The planets are encouraging us to become more direct, truthful, and confident in our independent selves, which will help us forge healthier, more secure relationships.
With Aries’ influence, we are learning to practice greater self-love and trust, while relaxing the impulse to prove or justify ourselves to anyone. By orienting to gentleness and sincerity, we can step toward versions of love that we know are possible but we may not have experienced yet. In the meantime, we can apply potent self-care—being kinder to ourselves and more diligent in noticing where we’re spinning, being harsh, or playing old stories in our heads that no longer serve us.
We’re ready to release outmoded notions of self, relationships, and reality as we de-condition old programs that have flooded us with doubt, anxiety, materialism, and superficiality for too long. This way, we can step into a deeper, more authentic era that we are co-creating with love.
ARIES NEW Moon Aspiration
As the rain falls, washing away old energies and versions of ourselves, may we feel the excitement of spring and the freshness of what’s to come. May we embody our confidence and courage as we take leaps toward an inspiring new world that begins inside our hearts and minds.
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