ARIES NEW moon / Total Solar Eclipse:
A Potent Initiation
Josh Pierce
29° Aries 50'
9:13 PM PDT / 12:13 AM EST
April 19, 2023 — An Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives on Wednesday, drawing us deeper into the karmic compression of eclipse season. The next two weeks will be powerful and revealing, helping us shed stagnation while encouraging great strides toward our evolution. This eclipse falls at the anoretic degree of Aries, bookending a lunar cycle since two Aries New Moons formed over the past month. This eclipse represents a powerful initiation. It’s igniting a feeling of now or never.
We may feel a sense of urgency to take our next steps. A lot of energy is activated now, so it’s important for us to ground. We are stepping into the future at a fast pace—within ourselves, our relationships, and society at large. This is an extremely important new beginning, and we can prepare accordingly, making our needs and wants abundantly clear.
Moving forward, who do we want to be? What do we want to pursue? How do we want to relate?
With this anaretic Aries eclipse squaring Pluto, this is not a moment for niceties and superficiality, or for glossing over deeper issues. The planets are challenging us to look deeply at the truth and feel embodied in our full power—which includes acknowledging our shadows. Powerful lessons are ready to reveal themselves to us if we can muster our warriorship and see our full spectrum of self—our pain, beauty, mistakes, gifts, hard work, and profundity—while feeling immense love and gratitude. We are ready to graduate into the next iteration of being.
We can pay special attention to whatever unfolds over the next two weeks—themes, karmic run-ins with friends or lovers from the past, significant new people showing up, desires rising to the surface, thoughts, lessons, initiations, and instincts. We are discovering who we are—stepping into new, more evolved identities that are beginning to emerge as the Aquarian age takes root.
ARIES NEW Moon Aspiration
On this Aries New moon, may we feel our full embodiment of self, embracing the auspiciousness in whatever themes are arising. May we have the courage to clarify our desires and make bold yet intentional moves toward manifesting more evolved lives, selves, relationships, and states of being.
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