The Astrology of August 2024:
Finding Our Footing in
the Midst of Great Change
Cy Twombly. Leda and the Swan. Rome, 1962.
August 1, 2024 — As August begins, we’re still in the midst of major change that first sparked with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April. We’ve been shaking out old versions of our lives and selves, and new shapes are beginning to take form. While the chaos of reinvention can be overwhelming, excitement is in the air. We’re breaking free from the past, and we may feel a swell of hope, though we still have work to do.
The most major transit of the month is a Jupiter-Saturn square, which becomes exact for the first time on August 19. When expansive Jupiter and constrictive Saturn aspect each other, it marks significant cultural and political change. Jupiter’s bright light and hope are beckoning us toward growth. At the same time, responsible, realistic Saturn is helping us become more mature and disciplined. He’s teaching us to embrace the dedication and tenacity that’s required to pivot our lives and the world for the better.
Disruptive Uranus makes his presence known this month as he continues to jolt us out of stagnation. Meanwhile, Mercury begins his retrograde on August 4, slowing us down just before Venus and Mars light up the Jupiter-Saturn square, calling us into hard lessons. Themes of war versus peace and progress versus conservatism are arising, and on a smaller scale, relationship recalibrations are in order. We’re determining who and what we want, making necessary adjustments around love and passion. Issues pertaining to the feminine and masculine are also on the table as we figure out how to honor one another and establish greater internal and external harmony.
It’s essential to remain deliberate and cautious as the planets continue to rock us. In the end, they’re helping us align with higher meaning and ideals, and to establish deep and lasting change. This is an exciting time to be alive as immense possibilities begin to reveal themselves. The trick is to stay grounded and anchored to pure intention. We’re seeing how we could experience enduring joy and deep connection. From here, we’ll be able to create a kinder, more just, and functional society. 2025 and 2026 will be huge years of rapid change—This is only the beginning.
August 2024 TRANSITS
On August 4, a Leo New Moon forms at the same time that Mercury retrograde begins. This lunation brings a strong sense of freshness, boldness, and passion since Venus, planet of love, is squaring electric Uranus. We’re embracing what’s new. While the energies may feel chaotic and disruptive, we are also feeling excited about what’s to come. With Mercury retrograding in the background, we still need to address issues from the past. It’s important to tie up loose ends with sensitivity and careful communication before leaping onto new trajectories. Mercury stations on August 27. Until then, we can slow down and establish proper resolution, taking care of each other’s hearts and minds as we undergo necessary shake ups.
Venus enters Virgo on August 4, joining up with Mercury retrograde at 3º Virgo on August 7. This is a beautiful opportunity for expressions of love and repairing previous miscommunications and tension. Venus is helping Mercury recalibrate—She’s identifying unresolved issues and offering harmonious solutions.
Mars, planet of aggression and war, joins up with exaggeratory, buoyant Jupiter on August 14 at 16º Gemini. This could either bring an intensification of conflict or an increased sense of joy, adventure, and hope—potentially both. Mars then squares constrictive Saturn on August 15, and it could feel like hitting the gas and breaks at the same time. Jupiter goes full speed ahead, while Saturn deploys restraint and caution. We are recognizing the vastness of what’s possible, but we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work. New paths are opening up, but we have some obstacles to work through first. These are not easy transits. We can remember to breathe deeply, simplify, and be extra gentle with ourselves and others. The planets are correcting our courses, and we can apply ample patience as we move through the coming days. These are not easy transits. We can remember to breathe deeply, simplify, and be extra gentle with ourselves and others. The planets are correcting our courses, and we can apply ample patience as we move through the coming days.
Mercury retrograde squares Uranus and forms a cazimi on August 18. Flashes of insight and changes of mind are likely. We may blurt things out or have surprising conversations that shift our direction. Whatever happens, we should pay close attention. Any messages we receive internally or externally hold importance. The lessons of Mercury retrograde are becoming loud and clear.
Relationship issues are up as Venus, planet of love, conjoins expansive Jupiter while squaring Mars on August 18. She then opposes Saturn, Lord of Karma, on August 19. The feminine and masculine within us are recalibrating, and we may notice major changes in our relationships, desires, and values. Passions are high, but we are simultaneously becoming more mature in how we relate to each other and more intentional around who we relate with. We’re taking responsibility for ourselves and one another, and we’d be wise to see challenges as gifts that can help us work through old issues and establish stronger connections.
An Aquarius Full Moon forms on August 19, squaring shocking Uranus. The planets are jolting us awake, ensuring that we undergo drastic change. Unexpected events help us become more authentic in our self-expression and relationships. We can trust that any plot twists we experience are here to slingshot us toward rapid evolution and liberation—on the collective stage and in our own hearts and lives.
Jupiter squares Saturn, exact on August 19, in the first of three squares. The third and final square forms June 15, 2025. This is the most significant transit of the month, ramping up major shifts in politics and culture that began in December 2020. A process of fresh growth is underway, and Saturn is ensuring it lasts. Challenges that arise are merely meant to test us, making sure that we aren’t being overly zealous or unrealistic. Progress is inevitable, as are great changes in culture and politics. Now is the time to lay groundwork and commit to a sensible plan for how we will evolve, both individually and societally.
On August 29, Venus enters Libra, her natural domicile, where she brims with romance and peace. It’s been a wild month, and now we can rest a little and breathe a sigh of relief. September will be another wild month, so we can embrace the reprieve now, appreciating how far we’ve come in a short period of time. Who and what do we love? We can make space to enjoy ourselves and relish in the beauty and connection available to us now.
As we undergo powerful change, may we surrender to the work that’s necessary to ensure it lasts. May we find the balance between excitement and restraint, forward momentum and reflection, as we rapidly invent fresh lives and worlds that align with our highest ideals.
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