Capricorn Lunar Eclipse:
Healing the Collective Father Wound

by Juliana McCarthy

Scott Kahn

Scott Khan

July 4, 2020 — A Capricorn Lunar Eclipse arrives on Saturday, at 9:44pm Pacific Time, severing us from the past as we close the eclipse vortex in a season of three eclipses. Falling on the Sun of the United States, this eclipse has extra potency here.

This marks a key point on our journey of breaking out of old structures and paradigms, and healing our collective father wound. This eclipse is encouraging us to embrace a new, more matriarchal age—where generosity and gentleness rule and we share power, rather than harboring it. Frustration and anger may run high as we stand up to corruption and deception, and fight for a kinder world. As we do so, outside forces may dig in their heels, protecting their fragile egos and outworn ways.

However, truth is rising—revealing itself both personally and collectively. With Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and Saturn joining in, our shadows are emerging so we can confront them, with honesty and courage. Old frameworks are crumbling as the fires of renewal consume all that was.

If we are still enough, we may notice the glimmer of silver lining, especially for those willing to dive into uncertainty and embrace all that’s unwritten. With Uranus supporting this Full Moon, innovators, egalitarians, and rebels are ready to lead the way, toppling oppressive systems, while inventing whole new approaches to life, relationships, and society.

We are working through thousands of years of karma from past lives, ancestors, and the planet. Now is not the time to give up, but to practice great Cancerian self-care so we can work together to support each other in inspired action.

On a personal level, we may feel tension between our dreams for the future and and our impatience to bring them into reality. Many planets are retrograding as Saturn returns to heavy Capricorn. This means that even though we’re raring to go, we still need to duke it out with the past. We need to revisit and heal old wounds, observing them with microscopic attention. This way, we can purify our karma, clearing our paths to fresher, more inspired chapters of love, career, family, and ways of life.

Meanwhile, with Mercury retrograding through Cancer, many of us are have been experiencing challenging and emotionally charged communication. But part of the work we’re undergoing is to dismantle our fragility. We’re diving into the messy cauldron of human feelings, which will lead to greater healing. Embracing our Cancerian sensitivity and vulnerability, we’ll be rewarded, as we investigate faulty belief systems, and together, find deeper clarity and truth.

With the asteroids Lilith and Chiron falling in Aries and squaring the Sun and Moon, the Big No of the feminine is joining forces with the Wounded Healer. Adorned with spiritual armor, we can step up with vulnerable strength and unbridled, unrepressed feminine energy. Nothing can stop us. Until January, Mars is also traveling through Aries, his natural domicile, granting us the will and drive that are necessary to push through the birth canal and give life to a new age. 

On this Capricorn Lunar Eclipse, may we find the courage to feel our anger and messiness, and persevere with gentleness and compassion, despite temporary obstacles. May we speak our truth without fear, and work together to generate mutual honesty, compassion, and tender strength.

My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is available for purchase!

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I post astrology videos, talks, and classes regularly to my Patreon page. Sign up here to watch. (Just posted a new convo with Torrence Tremayne about the astrology of right now, including the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse.)