Gemini Lunar Eclipse:
Integration + Release

by Juliana McCarthy

Endpapers from “Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of electricity,” 1746

Endpapers from “Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of electricity,” 1746

November 30, 2020 — A Gemini Lunar Eclipse arrives on Monday at 1:29am Pacific Time, granting us the opportunity for culmination and release. We’re walking through the final portal before we enter great change, with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction arriving on December 21, beginning the Aquarian Age.

Until then, this eclipse season is a final push to release the past, discover what’s true, and purify previous mistakes and misconceptions. We can take a few steps back and remember the bigger picture, and the paradox of being human. We are both nothing and everything, right and wrong, emptiness luminosity and fallible mortals.

If we feel overwhelmed by words, chatter, news, or paranoia, in our minds or in the world around us, it’s a good time to meditate and drop in, immersing ourselves in nature and silence. Integration is key as we rest and listen to our hearts and intuition.

What old wounds and outworn beliefs have been sullying our field? Where do they live in our bodies? What happens when we relax that tension?

If we’ve been caught in deception, escapism, or illusion, now we can deprogram and forgive ourselves—rest, reset, and release.

What have we learned through it all? What wisdom has emerged?

Soon we will have realigned our paths. All that we’ve been facing and working hard on will emerge as steady progress toward our dreams. In the meantime, we can breathe deeply as we continuing mustering patience and strength. Then, we can find our peace in the eternal quiet that’s always within us.

On this Gemini Lunar Eclipse, may we still our minds and drop into our bodies, as the chaos of words and storylines melt away. May we remember the bigger picture as we integrate all that’s occurred, letting go of the past as we pave the way toward a new reality.

My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is available for purchase!

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