Gemini New Moon:
heartfelt connections +
Meaningful Collaborations

by Juliana McCarthy

Andy Kehoe

Andy Kehoe

May 22, 2020 — The Gemini New Moon arrives on Friday, at 10:38am Pacific Time, sparking a swell of Gemini energy. The Moon is beckoning us to consider our thoughts, while opening to meaningful, heartfelt dialogues and exchanges. At the same time, Venus, planet of love, is retrograding conjunct Mercury, while square to foggy Neptune. Our minds could feel dreamier than usual, wandering into fantasy, or even confusion.

Luckily, the New Moon is also forming a harmonious trine to Saturn, grounding us into reality. We could harness the intelligence and curiosity of Gemini to notice all that we’re feeling and the patterns we’ve been playing out. Where do we go wrong in love and friendship? Where do we project fantasy or unrealistic expectations onto others? Play out our unresolved family traumas with each other? With so many planets in retrograde, especially the planet of love, we have the chance for profound reflection and recalibration right now. We can observe and question our relationship dynamics and the way we live our lives in general. We’re deciding what we want to discard and what we will carry forward.

Much good could come from our collaborations right now. We could be constructive in our dialogues and begin to build tangible things from our ideas and conversations. Which direction would we like to pursue for the foreseeable future? How can we make a living in this new paradigm, applying our talents, interests, and abilities in meaningful ways? How can we help each other do so?

Above all, Gemini is teaching us to be more adaptable, flowing with change and becoming as resourceful as possible for our survival. Meanwhile, the Twins remind us to rest our minds in not knowing. A flood of information has bombarded us, and we need to become more discerning in taking in what we read and hear. In fact, with the North Node also in Gemini, our karmic lessons for the next year and a half are around finding objective truth, opening our minds, and questioning everything. We are unraveling our dogmatic and rigid beliefs, while becoming more comfortable with uncertainty—and more courageous around admitting what we don’t know.

The future is unwritten and full of potential. How it will look and feel is up to us, our individual decisions and free will. The more we can do our work now of observing, adapting, and exchanging ideas and resources, opening our minds to each others’ wisdom and knowledge, the better off we will be. 

Even as we emerge from our homes and begin to see each other again, we are still moving slower than before—still marinating in an immense period of pause and review. We can make good use of this opportunity to create ease, joy, greater love, connection, and community. We can make art and begin the projects and businesses we’ve always wanted to—applying our ingenuity, while helping each other as much as possible, in meaningful collaboration.

On this Gemini New Moon, may our minds open to curiosity, intelligence, and intentional observation. May we feel the miracle of our connections, as we exchange resources and ideas, and together find the best paths forward

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