January 2020 transits:
An eclipse + a paradigm shift
Phil Greenwood
Jupiter conjunct the South Node
We’ve just exited a long period of Saturn and Pluto dancing with the South Node in 2019, helping us transform our family, ancestral, and societal wounding and conditioning. Now, on January 8, Jupiter is shining light on the the South Node—the places where we’ve been working hard to liberate. As we prepare to step into completely new frequencies, this is a final push to let go. Since Jupiter rules religions, ideologies, and distortions of truth, the emphasis is on releasing rigid and inherited beliefs. We can move deeper into trusting our own feelings and experiences, rather than blindly subscribing to what we’ve been told or taught.Patriarchy, white supremacy, extreme capitalism and materialism, and oppressive religious ideologies all fall into this category. What lies have we bought into? Are we holding onto harmful mindsets, even unconsciously? How can we dismantle these beliefs, even if it’s painful?
Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The first eclipse of the year arrives on January 10, near the North Node in Cancer. This is an emotional eclipse, purifying our hearts to make room for greater self-care and healthier emotional expression. This is a beautiful chance to release the constraints of fear, shame, and repression, emptying our our cups before the first Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurs just two days later, representing the initial paradigm shift. Meanwhile, Neptune is trining the eclipse, reminding us to soften our hearts and forgive ourselves and others. We’re rallying the courage to face our uncertainty and vulnerability, becoming tender warriors who can work together in love.
saturn-pluto conjunction
Saturn conjuncts Pluto every 38 years or so, marking a powerful moment in the collective rebirth. Capricorn rules systems, societies, and government, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is particularly potent in this sign, bringing karmic explosions in our personal lives and the collective sphere.
Throughout the rest of 2020, we will experience multiple conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, helping us purify outmoded beliefs in order to establish new shared ideologies. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12 marks the beginning of what many astrologers are calling the paradigm shift, as we move into a new age in humanity. Intense conservatism often arises at the onset of this transit, but it’s the precursor to revolution. With Jupiter and Saturn forming a conjunction at 0° Aquarius by the end of the year, revolution and fresh egalitarian energies are certainly on the horizon. But first, we have some deep resistance to face, some battles to fight with open hearts, and old karma to reckon with and transmute. Read more in my 2020 article here…
aquarius new moon
Aquarius is the sign of humanity, creative genius, community, and revolution. This Aquarius New Moon asks us to look to the future to see how we might reorient our lives, breaking free from the past while moving into greater truth and authenticity. From the rubble of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and the Lunar Eclipse two weeks prior, we are experiencing electric jolts from the future, rapidly unfurling our new paths. Uranus is squaring the Moon, increasing the power of Aquarius, while continuing to wake us up into liberation and innovation. Meanwhile Venus and Mars are forming a square angle to one another. Relationship issues are up, as we work to resolve tension between the masculine and feminine. Our hearts are ready to melt into unconditional love. We can rally the courage to face the beautiful and exciting unknown—in our hearts, relationships, and the world at large.
My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is available for purchase
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