the astrology of JUNE 2022:
gaining momentum
Kaii Higashiyama
June offers us grace and reprieve after May punched us in the face with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde at the same time. We met our fears, fixations, and difficult truths, while Mercury retrograde made us slow down and integrate them thoroughly. This month, we finally hit a pivot point as we begin to make clear decisions and act on them. We can now harness the powerful momentum of Jupiter’s ingress into Aries, which was thwarted last month when Mercury stationed retrograde on the same day.
Luckily, Mercury stations direct on June 3, then leaves his shadow period on June 18. We’ll feel sharper as we emerge from Mercury retrograde’s haze. We can now speak our minds with more skill and transparency, engaging in direct conversations, which felt impossible last month. Meanwhile, a Sagittarius Full Moon Supermoon helps us dissolve old beliefs and align with our hearts, dreams, and higher consciousness. A week later, the Sun moves into Cancer and the Solstice occurs—a celebration of light, no matter which hemisphere we’re in. As we begin Cancer season, our focus turns to home, family, coziness, and our rich inner worlds. We’re becoming more comfortable in feeling what we feel, saying ‘no’ with resolve, and holding close what and who we cherish most.
With Mars visiting Chiron this month, we’re finding more strength in our vulnerability and saying what we’re afraid to say. In doing so, we’re establishing richer emotional bonds and greater intimacy. We’re becoming more internally confident, direct, and tender in how we relate to ourselves and each other. We know who we are and what’s important to us, and we’re letting everything else fall out of focus.
JUNE Transits
Mercury stations direct on June 3, granting us clarity after three weeks of introspection and crossed wires. We can take our new insights and step back into the world, having forthright, genuine conversations that lead us out of our confusion. On the day Mercury stations, we may still feel a little shaky. We have a couple weeks ahead of us in the shadow period, but our fogginess will clear up by June 18, when Mercury passes the degree in the zodiac where it first retrograded, completing the cycle.
What feelings do we need to share that we’ve been holding back?
Have we been too afraid of rejection or hurting someone else to be honest?
Saturn stations retrograde from June 4 until the end of October. Retrogrades are always about review, reflection, and revision, and with Saturn, we’re focusing on the structures of our lives and society. By September and October, this retrograde cycle will bring Saturn within a 1° orb of the Saturn-Uranus square that defined 2021. We’re continuing to break out of old ruts and norms that are not aligned with our maturity and authenticity. We are re-envisioning our lives and what’s possible as the battle between established norms and a novel, more egalitarian future continues, sandpapering us into a better shared reality.
A Sagittarius Full Moon arrives on June 14, as watery Neptune squares the Sun and Moon. Sagittarius rules religion and our belief systems, and with Neptune challenging the Sagittarius Moon, we may feel a bit lost and boundaryless when it comes to our faith and convictions. We’re ready to release and surrender old dreams, beliefs, and disillusionment to make room for a new dream—one that’s more aligned peace and our highest ideals. Neptune invites us to move beyond self-righteousness and arrogance, connecting us with our hearts, which emanate much deeper than our words.
On June 13, Mercury, now direct, re-enters Gemini. Here, we leave the quiet safety of Taurus. Our minds are sharpening, our speech quickening. As we become more curious, we can enter dialogue with others. We’re wanting to talk things through and figure them out with each other, putting words to our introspective silence as we come out of our mental cocoons and become social butterflies.
On June 15, Mars meets with tender Chiron. Mars is our warriorship, inner masculine, and confidence, while Chiron is the Wounded Healer. We have the chance to face our wounds with courage and vulnerability, confronting ourselves and each other for the sake of healing. We may feel extra triggered, but we can trust that anything that arises now is something that needs our attention in order to heal.
The Solstice arrives on June 21, as the Sun moves into Cancer. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer begins, but wherever we are, this is a celebration of light. It’s time to go inside ourselves and connect with our inner Sun. At the same time, Cancer season inspires us to prioritize family and the people we hold the closest. We can care for one another with more intention, nourishing and nurturing our most important heart connections.
The Cancer New Moon closes out the month on June 29, forming a conjunction with Black Moon Lilith and an exact square with Jupiter in Aries. We may feel extra protective of our loved ones as Lilith cries, “No!” and sets fierce boundaries. While Cancer can be gentle and quiet, in many ways this lunation is loud. We are connecting with our feelings and proclaiming them with fearless abandon. Our emotions are fueling our actions this month. The more we take the time to examine ourselves, the more prepared we’ll be for this Cancer New Moon. Being vulnerable means being strong, and the archetypes of vulnerability and tenderness are making their alliance very known this month, both inside of us and in our outer worlds.
JUNE Summary
June is a welcome relief after May rocked us with the double whammy of eclipse season and Mercury retrograde. We’ve been meeting our fears, obsessions, and unconscious traps, while learning to be more secure versions of ourselves. This month, Mercury is ready to station direct and fling us into passionate momentum. The Sagittarius Full Moon wants us to let go of dogma and remember our deeper connection to spirit, while Mercury direct is calling on us to speak our truth, with candor and courage. We’re having the difficult conversations we’ve been too afraid to address. Through them, we’re becoming much closer to one another, realizing that being direct, open, and honest isn’t as scary as we first thought. The more we love ourselves, the less we fear rejection or take another’s projections personally. Meanwhile, Cancer season is revealing who we value most and how we can forge more meaningful, healing connections with our families and dearest friends.
As the leaves become green and full, may we feel our bodies, hearts, and minds filled with vitality, ready to spring us into action. May we release our old pain and limitations as we speak our truth, embrace loved ones, and remember our highest dreams and ideals, which are becoming more real everyday.
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