Jupiter in Capricorn:
Expanding Our Integrity
Andy Kehoe
December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020
December 2, 2019 — Jupiter now moves into Capricorn, ending his yearlong journey through Sagittarius. After exaggerating our ideologies and belief systems—expanding them under his magnifying lens—we are ready to move into more practical, somber energies. The flighty among us may struggle with this transition, while the earthier types could feel relief, as Jupiter shifts into Capricorn’s integrity and realism.
This placement encourages us to set goals, work hard, and plan for the future. As Jupiter makes his shift, we might ask ourselves:
What do we want to build for our long-term future?
What do we want to commit to?
Truth has been hard to grasp since Jupiter moved into Sagittarius on November 8, 2018. This combination tends to distort reality and amplify faulty beliefs. Now, Jupiter is shining light on Capricorn, the strict teacher who doesn’t let us get away with anything. Jupiter in Capricorn tests reality, strengthens morality, and elevates those of use who are grounded in our integrity.
By December 2020, Jupiter will leave Capricorn, conjoining with Saturn at 0° Aquarius. This will bring a surge of revolutionary new energies, barreling us toward the future. But with Jupiter in Capricorn until then, we’re supported in careful preparation, and for optimism to infuse the very places where we’ve been struggling. Karmic explosions will abound as Jupiter meets Saturn, Lord of Karma, and Pluto, planet of transformation, throughout 2020. We have the chance now to deeply transform our selves, lives, relationships, and world. These transits are ripe for helping us to finally release old stories, patterns, and conditioning.
Over the next year, may we carefully consider our options and make firm commitments. May we feel the joy that arises from discipline and working hard with integrity and care.
My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is available for purchase
I’ll be giving a talk on the Eclipses of 2020 at the Alchemist’s Kitchen on December 5. More info and tickets here!
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