Jupiter-Neptune in pisces:
miraculous shifts
'Aurora Borealis', illustration from 'Meyer's Lexicon,' Germany , ca. 1870
April 12, 2022 — On April 12, Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces in a rare alliance that will ripple into May. This is the first time in 166 years that these planets have joined together in the sign that they rule, and it won’t happen again in our lifetime. Our compassion is growing, along with the potential for peace and unity. Blessings and miracles are abundant if we’ve been doing our work. We can feel our consciousness rise up as our interconnection and faith grow. This transit can expose the best of humanity—the love that’s already present on Earth, right now, even amid any calamity or hardship.
Jupiter is the Great Benefic, bringing blessings and luck and expanding all that he touches. Meanwhile, Neptune represents spiritual transcendence, dissolving our clinging while helping us to surrender and let go. Together, these planets are giving us access to profound healing and shifts. We might ask ourselves—
What do we feel called to release? To embrace?
What have we outgrown that’s blocking us from bliss and dream fulfillment? Old patterns, beliefs, relationships? Clinging to some false version of ourselves?
Which of our dreams are attainable, and which do we need to relinquish to the tides?
Right now, dreams, illusion, and imagination are amplified. It’s important to ground so that we can experience the highest potentials of this influence—remembering self-care and our connections to our bodies and the Earth, as we submit to gravity. With firm roots, we can melt into spirituality, music, art, and exalted love, glimpsing the ultimate realms beyond human suffering.
Leading up to this exact conjunction, Saturn has been squaring the nodes, calling us to undergo challenging karmic work. It’s important that we apply patience and perseverance as we begin to experience the unfolding of miraculous shifts. Any efforts that we’ve made to clean up our psyches, relationships, and lives are beginning to pay off, but there’s no need to rush. Saturn ensures longevity as he forces us to lay solid foundations.
From here, we can feel our hearts open to include the possibility that everything is perfect just as it is—and we are perfect as we are. We can embody Pisces’ ultimate lesson in our hearts—that of unconditional love, transcendence, and the inclusion of all. Good, bad, happy, sad—it’s all part of the same fabric in the bliss-emptiness of divine perfection.
As Jupiter and Neptune align in their natural domicile, may we include the possibility for miracles and blessings. May we embrace the beautiful dream of life and feel the limitless of our hearts and potentials.
Look for 23º Pisces in your natal chart. Which house does it fall in? This gives us clues about where we can experience the blessing of this conjunction.
To learn more about this conjunction, visit my Patreon page for a whole class on the subject that I taught with astrologer Torrence Tremayne.
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