LEO Full moon:
Ann Craven
24° Leo 05'
8:53 AM EST / 5:53 AM PST
February 12, 2025 — A Leo Full Moon forms on Wednesday, sparking creative rebellion and abrupt change. Forming a tense T-square with Uranus, this lunation challenges the structures we’ve clung to while causing unexpected turns. Leo, the performer, encourages playfulness and self-expression, while Uranus, the great disruptor, inspires radical honesty. What emerges now may be sudden or even chaotic—but ultimately, the planets are helping us evolve rapidly. We will no longer remain stuck in old, painful dynamics. It's time to break free.
Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun in Aquarius adds another layer, revealing hidden truths while prompting flashes of insight. Yet Leo’s shadow—his stubbornness, pride, and need for control—may resist the unfamiliar. This Full Moon doesn’t coddle our egos but exposes them. We're expanding our minds and hearts and opening to higher possibilities that we’re finally ready for. While it’s not comfortable, it could come as a relief.
Sudden change can feel destabilizing, but resistance only tightens the knot. Instead of clinging to old narratives, we can celebrate the unknown, embracing uncertainty as the gateway to freedom. The road ahead presents more shifts and dissonance, but also immense creative potential. If we trust our unfolding and improvise rather than cling, we may find ourselves freer than ever before.
On this Leo Full Moon, may we surrender to the wild unknown, allowing change to catapult us toward evolution rather than break us. May we meet the unexpected with joy—ready to create, evolve, and love far more radically.
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