Libra Full Moon:
hearts on fire
Philippe de Champaigne
April 16, 2022 — A Libra Full Moon arrives on Saturday at 11:55am Pacific Time, bringing relationship issues centerstage. This Full Moon also opens the eclipse portal, with the first eclipse of the season arriving in two weeks. Karma is compressing as we begin to speed through our evolution, releasing old blockages while stepping into our highest potentials.
Passions are now high as deep, shadowy, and obsessive Pluto squares the Sun and Moon, drawing secrets to the surface. Already, the relational Aries-Libra axis is lit up, and Pluto is ensuring that our desires are ramped up even further—along with our needs for intimacy and connection. As Pluto strips us bare, we have to work through our fears of being exposed. Neptune is the final dispositor of this Full Moon, and he’s imbuing us with softness, unity, peace, and spiritual connection. Our hearts are beginning to love more of who we are—the fundamental lesson of any intensity that’s now arising.
Along with Neptune, Libra represents total acceptance. With loving Libra and inclusive Neptune leading the way, we can extend unconditional compassion to ourselves—especially the parts of ourselves that we normally hide. From here, we can better love one another, without projecting our doubts or self-loathing. The Scales make space for all to exist, without tilting one way or the other—and without trying to alter anything. We are fully lovable right now, and we can release anything that’s obstructing us from embracing ourselves completely.
Eris is also a major player with this lunation. Whenever she shows up, she creates discord and strife, helping us see where we need to consciously integrate our shadow feminine side. We may need to make an effort to understand behaviors that are not serving our highest good and more fully own our wildness as we step further into our power.
Meanwhile, Pluto encourages us to trust ourselves. In doing so, our capacity for connection deepens. We can open to being seen in our entirety, without guilt or shame. If we step toward each other as confident individuals, our capacity for true intimacy increases.
What is true intimacy? Saying the thing that we’re afraid to say. Being willing to risk everything to tell the truth —
What truth can we reveal today?
What hidden parts of ourselves are we ready to expose and love more fully?
Relationships and friendships are the glue and anchor for us now, no matter what complications are brewing in the outer world. As we feel our own strength, we can also lean on friends and loved ones. We can generate absolute joy in supporting each other, basking in our ease of connection. After all, Jupiter and Neptune are continuing to bless us as they align in Pisces until May 10.
To make the most of this Full Moon, we can be sure that we’re facing our shadows, expressing our grief, and speaking our truth—while avoiding power games. We can stand tall in who we are, knowing that deep down, everything is perfect as it is—that we are perfect just as we are, even if we make mistakes. What greater freedom is there than shedding the fear of being who we are?
On this Libra Full Moon, may we love all parts of ourselves, especially those that we’re afraid to see. May we root deeper into intimacy and confidence as we express our truth and own the entirety of our beings, allowing ourselves to dance in the world of perfect imperfection.
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