Libra Full moon Lunar ECLIPSE:
Relational Purge + Recalibration
Cristoforo de Predis
5° Libra 7'
12:00 AM PDT / 3:00 AM EDT
March 25, 2024 — A penumbral south node lunar eclipse forms on Monday in Libra, the sign of love, opening the eclipse vortex. The next eclipse occurs on April 8—a total solar eclipse across the United States. We’re currently in Mercury’s shadow, with Jupiter inching closer to Uranus—their conjunction exact on April 20. So much is shifting and surfacing for the sake of purgation and evolution. We may feel like we’ve entered a cosmic wormhole, where space and time are compressed, and karmic coincidences and curveballs adjust our paths forward.
Venus rules Libra, and as the lunar eclipse forms, she’s pulling away from constrictive Saturn. We’ve been coming up against our relational patterns, obstacles to peace and self-worth. This eclipse season, and well into April, we’re ready to liberate from old stuckness—releasing, purging, and culminating cycles of suffering that have ensnared us for too long. These could be from childhood, our ancestors, and even past lives.
We’re figuring out what’s important to us, and what we want to commit to from here. Fresh swells of energy arrive next month, along with powerful beginnings. For now, we can become more wholehearted and secure, letting go of all that doesn’t serve us in order to manifest our higher potentials. Any recent blocks or struggles are simply veering our streams into new directions. It’s time to surrender and trust whatever surprises, synchronicities, or bursts of truth arise over the next four weeks. We can become very clear on what we’re ready to break through and call into being. This eclipse season and beyond, anything is possible.
Libra LUNAR ECLIPSE Aspiration
On this Libra lunar eclipse, may we embrace our obstacles and karmic lessons, releasing all that blocks us from our deepest desires. May we graduate from arduous lessons, feeling our excitement as imminent shifts and manifestations begin to break through.
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