Libra New moon SOLAR ECLIPSE:

by Juliana McCarthy

21° Libra 8'
10:55 AM
PDT / 1:55 PM EDT

October 14, 2023 — On Saturday, a New Moon solar eclipse forms at 21° Libra, helping us complete unfinished business and release the past. The eclipse vortex is opening, and we are entering a period of faster-paced evolution and deep insight. Because this is a south node eclipse, it’s requiring us to let go of unhealthy relational patterns. Forming a conjunction with Mercury while squaring Pluto and quincunxing Uranus in Taurus, this is an extra potent moment to transform, shift, and reset.

As we correct course and return to strength, we are adjusting our relationships of all kinds. We’re remembering to be our truest selves in our most direct expression, regardless of what others think. We’re clarifying our values and releasing all that’s been out of alignment with our authentic hearts. At the same time, we’re aspiring toward more harmonious, equal partnerships that allow us to speak our truth while feeling pure acceptance and appreciation.

Libra is the sign of love and harmony. After completing a challenging Venus retrograde, Libra’s ruler is ready to show us how to find companions who love us as we are. We’re learning how to honor each other’s strengths and desires as we move away from codependence and over-reliance on outside approval, support, and reassurance.

On the world stage, conflict and peace are central themes. We’re learning to see situations from all angles and to choose love over all. Cultivating serenity in our hearts is vital as we witness the horrors of the world and feel the grief and despair of human atrocity. It’s time to remember that global harmony starts within each of us. Both personally and collectively, we’re smoothing out friction and disagreements by generating more compassion. We can tune into inner calm, establishing greater equanimity within ourselves. From there, we radiate this outward, offering our profound serenity for the benefit of all.

In a sense, this eclipse marks a graduation moment from Pluto squaring the nodes. We can feel finality and regeneration as we step into the eclipse vortex. With courage, resilience, and vigilance, we can stay with the tenderness in our hearts, remaining open and soft no matter what, especially with ourselves.

Libra NEW Moon Aspiration

On this Libra solar eclipse, may we release old patterns in love and intimacy and embrace the opportunity to start anew. May we remember the power of our solitude as we embody peace internally and in our relationships, allowing it to radiate into the world.

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