The Astrology of March 2023:
A New ERA begins
Agnes Pelton
March 1, 2023 — Astrologically, March is the most important month of the year, presenting life-changing, chapter-turning transits while sparking the beginning of a new era. We might feel shaky, uncertain, or like it’s hard to visualize the future—the past is dissolving, and a new reality is beginning to take form. It’s time to connect with our internal anchors so we can steady ourselves during this time of great change. That way, we can better embrace this potent opportunity for karmic clearing, deep healing, and spiritual up-leveling.
Saturn and Pluto both change signs this month, which are rare occurrences. Saturn moves into Pisces in early March, leaving behind the brittleness and isolation of his six-year journey through Capricorn and Aquarius. It will be extra important for us to find spiritual guideposts, rein in our addictions, and tether our minds. We can find fresh moral frameworks as we come back together into a shared reality built on love.
Meanwhile, Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23, leaving Capricorn after an eighteen-year journey through the sign of patriarchy, traditions, and society. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, and during this transit, we’ve been destroying outworn structures and norms. As Pluto enters future-oriented Aquarius, he’s ready to spark transformations around technology, democracy, and humanitarianism. We’re shifting away from challenging the old paradigm and moving toward birthing a revolutionary new age in humanity. While this is exciting in many ways, Pluto’s ingresses can also feel shocking, abrupt, and overwhelming.
Two triple conjunctions also occur this month, as well as the equinox and astrological New Year. We have much to release before new energies pour in. Through it all, we can remain steady and gentle with ourselves, feeling our grief while observing where we’re stuck and needing to surrender. We’re emptying our cups so we can cross a potent threshold into the next phase of our lives, relationships, and humanity.
March 2023 TRANSITS
March begins with a triple conjunction between Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron, which occurs from March 1 to 3. The planet of love is now expanded at the same time that her deepest wounding is triggered. We’re shining a light on old heartbreaks and pain around relationships and self-worth. If we allow our hearts to crack open, we could experience renewed creative inspiration and a greater potential to love. This tenderness can help us tune into what’s most important to us moving forward. What do we truly value? What and how do we want to love?
Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, in one of the most important transits of the year. Saturn has been visiting the signs that he rules for the past six years, lending to increased seriousness and rigidity. Dipping into Pisces, we might feel dreamier or even more confused, as our structures dissolve into the ocean of transcendence and oneness. But the beauty of this ingress is that we can now come together in love as we build new structures and shared morals that are more compassionate and less destructive. We’re tightening the ship around our addictions and finding new modalities of healing to address our traumas and mental struggles. Meanwhile, spiritual tools are becoming more mainstream. We’re embracing plant medicines and healing our connections to the divine and Earth so we can become more whole. Fantasies are becoming real as we merge our idealism with practicality. We’re sharpening our discernment and figuring out the next steps toward manifesting our dreams. Learn more about Saturn in Pisces in my Patreon video.
A Virgo Full Moon forms on March 7, just a couple hours after Saturn’s ingress into Pisces. The Sun and Moon are squaring Mars in Gemini, so our minds could seem wild, overcome with worry and spinning thoughts. With the Full Moon in a wide opposition to Neptune, it’s important that we tune in and meditate, slowing down and dropping into our hearts and spiritual connections. We can allow our grief to rise as it increases our openness. Sitting up straight, we can let ourselves feel, expanding our capacity for compassion. In doing so, we’ll be able to see the world for what is truly is—sacred and full of love.
Jupiter and Chiron have been in a dance since late February. On March 12, Jupiter, planet of expansion and wisdom, finally forms an exact conjunction with Chiron, planet of our deepest childhood wounds. Now, we can learn our lessons and see that our pain and suffering have not been in vain. When we tune into our vulnerability and experience it fully, we can heal—melting the frozen parts of ourselves that are ready to thaw and spring into life. The more we heal old traumas, the more we inhabit relationships and societies that are sane and caring—and that honor our tenderness. We can create frameworks that celebrate the sensitive ones among us.
Mars squares Neptune on March 14, and we may notice a loss of confidence and direction. This isn’t the day to push forward, bulldoze our paths, or figure out our next moves. We can retreat and meditate, letting our heart and spirit show us the way. It’s time to effort less and trust the universe more.
A triple conjunction forms on March 15 between Mercury, Neptune, and the Sun. The planets of the mind and ego are dissolving into Neptune’s fogginess and spiritual love. We can let go of who we think we are and return to our core essence—our soul, not our external posturing. We can allow the tides wash away our distorted concepts of self, as well as any deception or delusion that we’ve been carrying or presenting to others. Our slates are wiping clean, helping us make room for new energies and notions of self to emerge and take root.
Venus entering earthy Taurus on March 16 comes as a relief after experiencing so much wateriness. We can return to the basics of what makes us feel good. What simple sensual pleasures can we partake in now?
The Sun enters Aries on March 20, joining Mercury, who made his ingress the day before. This marks the equinox and the start of the Astrological New Year. Our confusion is dissipating, and clarity and confidence are beginning to return. The seasons are changing, physically and energetically, and we may notice our vitality growing. Like bright green shoots rising from melting snow, we can feel young, fresh, and resilient. While we don’t need to have all the answers, we can begin to make decisions and take leaps.
The New Moon on March 21 forms at 0º Aries, the zenith of the sign, packing a strong punch. Our courage and life force are continuing to swell, emerging from the haze of uncertainty. This is the time to make firm intentions that are rooted in our truest desires. Forming a square to Mars, we can make sure that we don’t fly off the handle, tending to our relationships as much as our own selves. All year, we will be learning how to become more confident in our independent selves, which will help us forge healthier relationships. This lunation is a strong push in this direction.
How much can we feel good about ourselves without external validation? How much can feel feel whole as we sit alone in silence, without distraction?
We are learning to trust ourselves while relaxing the impulse to prove or justify ourselves to anyone.
Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, another of the most important transits of the year—along with Saturn moving into Pisces. Pluto will leave Aquarius on June 11, retrograding back into Capricorn, then returns to Aquarius once again on January 20, 2024. These first few months of Pluto in Aquarius offer a glimpse of what’s to come for the next twenty years. In general, Pluto’s ingresses signify big changes in society. Pluto moving into Aquarius, sign of the future and humanity, has historically signified revolution, the spark of liberal democracy, and major technological advancement. This new era holds the potential for the implementation of more progressive values, cooperation, technological breakthrough, and freedom from oppression. Learn more about Pluto in Aquarius in a class I taught with Torrence Tremayne, available on my Patreon page.
Mars moves into Cancer on March 25, finally leaving Gemini for the first time since August 20, 2022. Mars has visited Gemini for an extra long time because of Mars’ retrograde cycle. During this time, our minds were challenged, our fears heightened, and arguments more easily ignited. As Mars moves into Cancer, we’re ready to become more emotional and less heady. We’re moving on, especially since Mars is finally out of his shadow. It’s time to integrate our lessons and breathe a big sigh of relief. Hopefully, we’re clearer about how we want to relate to our mental patterns and our aggression toward ourselves and others.
March 2023 Aspiration
As the seasons begin to change, may we find our internal anchors—feeling the ground beneath us and the sky above. Joining heaven and earth, may we find ways to make our dreams real, with clearer hearts and relationships and societies more rooted in love.
My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is available for purchase. Check it out!
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