The Astrology of MAY 2023:
a volcanic yet steady
evolution of self
Ben Styer
May 1, 2023 — May begins inside the eclipse vortex while Mercury retrograde is still in effect. We may feel a little shaky, like reality is more intense, slightly off, or breaking apart. If so, we can remember that the purpose is to speed up our karmic evolution. Feelings and situations are amplifying, helping us shed old versions of ourselves and step into higher potentials.
The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5 falls on the south node, pushing us to face deeper truths about our patterns, relationships, and circumstances for the purpose of release. With Mercury retrograde and a New Moon both in Taurus, and Jupiter moving into the same sign, we are letting go of unhealthy attachments and addictive pulls in order to embody Taurus’s simplicity. As Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16, the planet of luck and expansion begins a new year-long journey. The more we slow down, enjoy life, eat well, connect with the Earth, and apply patience and decadent self-care, the more we’ll experience Jupiter’s golden light of peace and blessings. It’s time to finish what we started and reap the benefits of all that we’ve been initiating for the past year.
Tensions arise toward the end of the month as a T-square forms between Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto on May 22. Passion and anger are swelling, and it’s important to call on Taurus’ patience and Gemini’s communication skills. While conflict may strike, the positive outcome is that we can clarify our motivations and take significant but steady leaps toward our deepest longings. This will provide a release valve for Mars’ pent up energy after his intense retrograde journey over the past year. We’ve been recalibrating our inner masculine, and this is a potent step in our process of deep alchemy.
Above all, it’s important that we remain honest and grounded while garnering the courage to cut ties with old cycles. We’re becoming elevated versions of ourselves. Purging, healing, and forgiving the past will make room for healthier, easier, and more harmonious alignments to take root. While this month is volcanic, the planets are ready to catapult us more dramatically into the next chapter of our lives.
Pluto stations retrograde on May 1, going direct on October 10. While this happens every year, it’s the first time in over two centuries that it will happen in Aquarius. Retrogrades force us to go deeper into the energy of the planet. This time, we are looking at where we’ve been unconsciously programmed by social narratives so that we can free ourselves from their harm. We’re ready to transmute feelings that we’re not good enough, that we need to consume more, change our appearance, or behave a certain way to please external authorities. This is an important step in our collective evolution. Issues around AI, technology, and egalitarianism may also become more pressing as we examine the power of our future potentials.
Also on May 1, Mercury retrograde forms a cazimi, which means that it enters the heart of the Sun. The Sun’s light is shining on our particular focus for this retrograde. Are we feeling insecure, emotionally or financially? Do we need to establish fresh patterns of thought or communication? We could now experience epiphanies and important conversations that spark illumination and clarity.
The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse forms on May 5, closing the eclipse vortex, though eclipse season remains in effect for another two weeks. Lunar Eclipses are ramped up Full Moons. Falling in Scorpio, we are dredging up old issues around intimacy, bonding, shared resources, fears, obsessions, secrets, and addictions. Truth is revealing itself, helping us see what we need to let go of in order to liberate from old ruts. Our lives will feel less complicated after this eclipse. We are seeing more clearly any fears or hard truths that we need to transmute and integrate so that we can simplify and feel less stuck.
Mercury stations direct on May 14. We’re now emerging from our cocoons of self-reflection. It would be wise to move forward slowly, finding careful footing until we’re out of Mercury retrograde’s shadow on May 31.
Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, sparking a major energetic shift and one of the most significant transits of the year. Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 26, 2024, when it moves into Gemini. For the next year, our growth lies in focusing on survival, resources, money, self-worth, farming, food, and environmentalism. Consistency and patience are key as we experience slow but steady growth. We’re developing a much deeper sense of self-worth and security during this time. Jupiter’s shift into Taurus is ready to teach us that it’s important to choose quality over quantity. Simple, sensual pleasures are key, and we might consider if it’s possible to adjust our lives to generate more relaxation, abundance, peace, and connection with the natural world.
A Taurus New Moon arrives on May 19, ending eclipse season while amplifying the energies of the Bull. By now, we’ve undergone much work to heal our self-worth, know our true values, and feel more secure in who we are. This is a gentle reminder that true beauty and connection are internal. Any projects or relationships that we’re now initiating would benefit from consideration and care, rather than plunging or lunging ahead. We can take time to enjoy all that we’re engaging in—even work and menial tasks.
The Sun moves into Gemini, sign of the Twins, on May 21, inspiring us to communicate well and socialize. Gemini reminds us that we are all siblings and connected—that we get along best when we remain open-minded and curious about our differences, rather than succumbing to dogma and rigidity. Gemini’s gift of communication will become increasingly important in the following week as Mars elicits acute tension.
Jupiter squares Pluto on May 17, and Mars joins in on May 22, opposing Pluto and squaring Jupiter to form a very difficult T-square. Mars represents the angry warrior; Pluto is explosions and transformations; and Jupiter magnifies everything. This T-square (a right triangle) could generate conflict and extremism. Anger and rage may rise to the surface, and our emotions could feel out of control. On a positive note, this configuration could help us take action and clarify our motivation, beliefs, and direction. We only have to keep an eye on our triggers and make sure that we don’t get swept away by our reactions and impulses. Passions are running high. We can call on Taurus and Gemini’s support to stay grounded and patient, and to communicate with clarity and openness, asking questions as we resist the urge to assert our answers.
Mars squares the lunar nodes on May 25, igniting significant karmic unfolding. What we choose and the moves that we make will hold extra significance now. It’s important that we carefully resolve conflicts and become more mindful and intentional in our reactions. This whole month is beckoning us to become more honest with ourselves in how our unconscious triggers govern our actions and lives. If we’ve been suppressing our own desires to please others, that’s becoming more and more impossible. With the lunar nodes preparing to move onto the Aries-Libra axis in July, this month is offering us a glimpse of our independent strength and what it means to live our truth. We’re taking care of ourselves, first and foremost, rather than contorting to please others, or hinging our happiness on another person’s whims, proclivities, or projections. Our mantra for the next eighteen months might be —
I am enough.
I am worthy of love, decency, and respect.
I have earned my right to be here by my very breathing.
We can notice the strengthening of our resilience, stamina, and resolve as we forge the lives that we always knew were possible.
may 2023 Aspiration
Surrounded by colorful flowers and a symphony of song birds, may we celebrate the freedom of release as we leap toward new peaks of potential. May we remember the unshakeable love and joy that emanate from our hearts, no matter what struggles arise in this precious journey of being beautiful and messy humans.
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