The Astrology of May 2024:
Possibilities for love, unity, + Peace
Peter Henderson
May 1, 2024 — In the aftermath of a wild, dramatic, eruptive month, we enter May with the promise of more love, peace, stability, and connection. April was marked by eclipse season, Mercury retrograde, a shadowy Full Moon, and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The ongoing upheaval has been necessary to set us onto new trajectories and dislodge us from the past. The planets are now getting ready to offer us an influx of ease, flow, agreement, and support.
This month features a gorgeous triple conjunction between Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, an auspicious sextile between expansive Jupiter and gentle Neptune, and a blessed Taurus New Moon. Toward the end of the month, one of the most significant transits of the year occurs—Jupiter ingresses into Gemini after a year in Taurus. Our focus and luck are reorienting, and we may feel far more communicative, social, and intellectual over the next year.
Fresh energies have arrived like an unexpected lightning storm. Now, Venus is granting us warmth, integration, and fulfillment in this new chapter of our lives. With Jupiter in Gemini, we’ll be able to dialogue better and become more open and curious, questioning previously held dogmas and indoctrinations. If we’ve had disagreements, arguments, or misunderstandings, we may find it easier to communicate and generate fairness, compassion, reconciliation, and a greater capacity for nuance. We may also experience breakthroughs around peace as we embrace a new standard of collective morality.
Love is changing for the better. If we’ve been feeling lonely or romantically stuck, this is the perfect month to focus on stepping back into the world. Blessings are abundant, and we may experience sudden openings that align us with our authentic hearts, friendships, and value systems. Meanwhile, we are pursuing love and genuine companionship with renewed hope and rejuvenation. The flowers are blooming after torrential storms. Taking a deep breath, we can remember to enjoy the beauty of each other and the world as we continue to welcome the bellcurve of change and a future unknown.
Pluto stations retrograde on May 2. While this transit happens every year, this one is particularly significant. It will push Pluto out of Aquarius and back into Capricorn for his final stint in the sign of the Goat. From September to November 2024, Pluto returns to Capricorn, and we have one final visit with the past before continuing our reinvention of humanity. While this may seem frustrating, the beauty of Pluto’s retrograde is that we are given multiple chances to learn our deep, transformative lessons that leave us profoundly alchemized. We’re returning to the territory that we’ve traversed since January, integrating, reflecting upon, and cleaning up any messiness or pain that arose with the eruption of karmic evolution.
A Taurus New Moon arrives on May 7, lighting up the conjunctions of Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, which become exact later in the month. This is powerful, igniting love and peace while breaking us out of stubborn patterns and obstacles. The sextile to Saturn is offering stability and helping us make our dreams real. We might take time to clarify our dreams, naming what we want to manifest before this New Moon. So much is possible. Hope, inspiration, excitement, and love are carrying us onto new paths.
On May 18, two expansive transits arrive—the Sun conjunct Jupiter and Venus conjunct Uranus. With the Sun conjoining Jupiter, our joy, adventurousness, and optimism are growing. Meanwhile, the Venus-Uranus conjunction is sparking excitement, opportunity, and surprise meetings. Our lives are continuing to adjust abruptly, along with our priorities and values. As our hearts reset, we’re becoming more authentic versions of ourselves and more audacious in owning who we are. People like us exist, with similar resonance and ideals, and we’re ready to merge with them and forge meaningful, positive connections. Our hopes are high—a welcome relief after so much upheaval. Revolution and rebellion are quickly changing the world and our lives for the better.
Mars crosses the North Node on May 18. Our direction is becoming clearer. If we’ve been confused as to where we’re going, we may now notice a strong push forward and a newfound understanding of our purpose and next steps.
The Sun enters Gemini on May 20, beginning Gemini season. We are transitioning from the slow, sensual pleasures of Taurus season into more playful curiosity, sociability, and sharing of ideas. This is a time for fun gatherings and informed debates, for enjoying friendships, fresh ideas, and the liveliness of our minds and humor.
Venus joins with Jupiter on May 23, and our hearts are brimming with joy and the desire to connect. We may feel like overindulging and sharing our sensuality, love, and humor with others. This is an auspicious day for romance, pleasure, and peace.
A Full Moon arrives in Sagittarius on May 23, sextiling Pluto in Aquarius, trining Neptune, and opposing Jupiter. With Venus conjoining Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, this Full Moon is amplifying our joy, love, magic, and hope. This is the perfect time for celebrations, adventures, new experiences, and manifestation. Our minds and hearts are rapidly opening, and happiness and divine support are abundant.
Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, closing the month with one of the most important transits of the year. Jupiter is the magnifying lens, expanding all that he touches. Each year, he traverses a different sign. Last year it was earthy Taurus, bringing a focus to issues around peace, women, the Earth, money, food, farming, and resources. Now, the emphasis is on the mind, dialogue, curiosity, politics, debate, and sociability. Gemini is all about networking, learning, and sharing ideas. This year, we are ready to meet new people, have interesting exchanges, and adjust our minds and perspectives. We only have to be sure that we don’t go to extremes, overindulging on news, social media, or word flinging. After all, Jupiter is known for going too far. As Jupiter trines Pluto in Aquarius, our hopes to rebirth humanity are expanding. Progress, future-orientation, and invention are now kicking into higher gear.
In the midst of colorful flowers and the lushness of spring, may we enjoy our senses and feel our hearts restored. As hope swells, may we find new ways to love each other, working together to establish peace, both in our lives and the world.
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