Mercury Retrograde in Pisces:
The Cloud of Unknowing*
by Juliana McCarthy
Matthew Wong, The Cloud of Unknowing
March 5, 2019 — Today, Mercury stations retrograde at 0º Aries, later turning direct on March 28. Mercury begins his retrograde conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. He’s revisiting the sign of Pisces for the entire month, submerging us into a period of deep reflection, healing, and review.
While many fear the effects of Mercury retrograde, it’s actually a potent time for dreaming, insights, and connecting with our psychic abilities. This time, the dreaminess and healing potentials are emphasized, as it falls under the influence of Pisces and Chiron. We can take this opportunity to feel into our hearts, discovering our deeper truths that arise from stillness and silence. Themes around truth and deception our up for us to contemplate as we learn to work with our uncertainty and rest in the unknown.
This is a beautiful time to meditate, heal, grieve, forgive, and let go, as we carefully revisit old situations and relationships. This is also a good time for art, music, improvisation, meditation, and channeled work, as we connect more deeply to our psychic abilities, flow, and the unseen. It may be hard to motivate as we feel pulled by our daydreams and fantasies. But we can harness these energies to write poetry, songs, and love letters, and to communicate beyond our everyday language.
If we’ve been experiencing arguments or contention, we now have the chance to revisit old struggles and release our egoic grips. We can melt into acknowledgement, apology, and forgiveness, remembering the ultimate realm of love and interconnection. We also have the chance to heal the places where we’ve been lying to ourselves or others—where we’ve been deceived, deceiving, or disillusioned. We’re ready to clarify our boundaries and undo addictive, escapist patterns, and our tendencies to give away our power.
During this Mercury Retrograde, may we relax into not knowing. May we open to our dreams with open hearts and the capacity to dream, heal, and release.
*Title inspired by Matthew Wong’s painting on the left with the same name
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