The Astrology of OCTOBER 2024:
Relational Friction Becomes Harmony
Victor Brauner
October 1, 2024 — October begins with an annular Solar Eclipse in Libra, resetting our relationships. It’s helping us dislodge from old habits and grow into higher potentials of love, peace, and true confidence. In the background, Venus, Libra’s ruler, forms a Grand Trine with Mars and Saturn. We’re applying integrity and boundaries while having difficult conversations. We’re breaking free from codependence and stepping into more evolved frequencies of love and connection.
An Aries Full Moon arrives mid-month, forming a tense Grand Cardinal Cross with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. Anger and tension are bubbling over, but they’re helping us empty our cups to make room for something lighter and more in flow. Resistance is futile. It’s time to become more honest with ourselves and face repressed feelings. If we’ve been afraid of confrontation, we can now meet our fears and work through difficulties.
Where do emotions feel stuck in our bodies? Where have our anger, triggers, and fear caused us to tense up? What happens if we relax?
After the challenges of this month’s lunation, something gorgeous happens—a parting of the clouds. Two Grand Trines arrive—one in Water signs, one in Earth—followed by a Mystic Rectangle. These grand configurations help us feel harmonious and supported. Our labors are paying off with effortless auspiciousness. We’re transforming and liberating our feelings, relationship dynamics, thoughts, and communication. As we become gentler and more authentic, we’re learning to welcome struggles with greater ease, understanding that they’re an essential part of the human path. Making room for whatever arises—allowing waves to swell and release—we become much closer to heaven on earth.
P.S. This eclipse season has turned out to be wild and destructive. Since the Pisces Lunar Eclipse conjunct Neptune, we've experienced extreme water-related events, including hurricane Helene in the U.S., floods across Europe, and landslides—not to mention the devastation in Lebanon. Sending love and prayers to everyone affected.
OCtober 2024 TRANSITS
A Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives on October 2, falling on the south node of the Moon. This means we experience release in order to begin a new chapter. Conjoining Mercury while squaring Mars in Cancer, we may notice difficult conversations arising that help us step into new alignments. With a Grand Water Trine between Venus, Mars, and Saturn, we are facing our feelings while applying integrity, responsibility, and healthy boundaries. We’re voicing our truth and embodying more confident autonomy—healing some of our attachment wounds in the process. In the end, our relationships can drastically improve if we’re willing to be honest, moral, emotionally courageous, and vulnerable. We’re able to work through deep-seated, complicated challenges that previously felt impossible.
On October 11, Pluto goes direct at 29° Capricorn, the last degree of the sign. This means that we are wrapping up a years-long journey that ends on November 19, when Pluto moves into Aquarius for the final time. We are looking back at old pain, paradigms, and cycles, saying our last goodbyes. It’s time for epic closure and resolution. With Uranus forming a trine to Pluto, we truly have the chance to unstick from the past and clear the way for a very different future.
On October 17, an Aries Full Moon forms as part of an intense Cardinal Grand Cross. The Moon is in Aries, the Sun in Libra, and both square Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. This means that great tension is building up that requires action. We have to be tender warriors and face what we’ve outgrown within ourselves and in our lives. The Moon is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, igniting our deepest wounds and vulnerabilities for the sake of healing. If we can sit up straight and meet the feelings and discomfort that may arise, we will make room for a harmonious opening that lies just on the horizon.
On October 22, the Sun enters Scorpio, delving us into a season of greater intimacy and depth. The leaves have fallen in the Northern Hemisphere, exposing bare branches, making us feel vulnerable and seen. Truth is revealing itself, and we’re learning to become more comfortable with our hidden corners as we open into more genuine love and healing.
Toward the end of October, some beautiful Grand Configurations emerge. Starting October 28, a Grand Water Trine forms with Mercury, Mars, and Neptune. Our communication and triggering are dissolving and we’re returning to more expansive, unconditional love and forgiveness.
On October 30, a Grand Earth Trine forms with the Moon, Uranus, and Pluto. We’re becoming clearer about our relationships and feelings while experiencing great liberation and awakening in the process. Soon after, a Mystic Rectangle unites the Earth and Water elements in a stable pattern, imbuing us with more equilibrium.
With these Grand Trines and Mystic Rectangle, we are experiencing harmony both inside and out. After so much drama with the Solar Eclipse and Aries Full Moon, we are now able to relax and experience immense blessings, magic, and ease. We are more in synch with ourselves, each other, the world, and the universe. It could be one of those moments when we suddenly think, It all made sense.
As the leaves change and fill the earth with oranges and reds, may we feel the fiery passion in our hearts consume us, leading us to rebirth. From there, may we feel the tremendous harmony that comes when we say yes to our fears and relax our tensions—liberating into the present moment, which contains everything.
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