Pisces New Moon:
A Radical, Expansive Fresh Start

by Juliana McCarthy


Marchy 6, 2019 — A Pisces New Moon arrives today, conjunct Neptune and Vesta, opening up portals of imagination and love. At the same, Mercury is stationing retrograde while Uranus moves into Taurus for the first time in 85 years. This marks is a potent shift of energies, as well as a chance for great healing and awakening. We’re learning to rest in not knowing, returning to our hearts, our sanity, and our center in the midst of confusion. 

Meanwhile, Uranus’ ingress is helping us break out of stubborn ruts. We’re ending longstanding patterns of oppression, both internally and externally. In many ways this is a culmination of our quests to find freedom, independence, and authenticity. We’re finally peeling away from limiting relationships, belief systems, and religious fundamentalism as we more fully inhabit the Aquarian Age.

Who are we on our own? What do we feel, experience, and truly know, without external authority influencing us?

Vesta is another major player on this New Moon. Vesta is Virgo-like—the goddess of sacred sexual energy and healing. Conjunct this New Moon, she’s helping us find precision and pragmatism in the midst of our foggy Piscean expansion. Working with Neptune in Pisces, she’s making sure we set good boundaries, no longer playing the victim. At the same time, we’re liberating our sexual expression to orient more toward spiritual awakening—looking in each other’s eyes as we unshackle our hearts.

With many schisms dividing our world, as fighting and rigid beliefs separate us, this New Moon is showing us how to return to one another and the understanding of our interdependence. This isn’t about allowing harm or forgiving abuses without rectification. Instead, it’s about taking care of ourselves and each other as we hold unconditional love in our hearts for the Earth and all beings. Meanwhile, we’re learning to upend internal patriarchy as we find ways to heal our personal and ancestral traumas. 

With this, we’re moving closer to building the peaceful queendom. Everyone is welcome as long as we face our karma, own our mistakes, and step onto our paths of deeper healing. With Mercury retrograding, we can take this opportunity to look inward and see where we still need to face ourselves and heal our own wounds, and where we can rectify any harm that we’ve caused. Then we can join together to create a world that’s more aligned with our authentic, most expansive hearts.

On this Pisces New Moon, may we relax our arrogance and solid clinging, melting into the vastness of not knowing—simply being, resting, and feeling. From here, may we cross divides and express genuine acknowledgment and apology—sharing our newfound strength, empathy, and freedom whenever we can.

My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is now available for purchase.

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