Pisces New Moon:
Hard-won exlatation
Fridtjof Nansen, Northern Mists
March 2, 2022 — A Pisces New Moon arrives on Wednesday, at 9:34am Pacific Time, forming a conjunction to expansive Jupiter who’s near to dreamy Neptune. The two planetary co-rulers of Pisces are beginning to tighten their orb, reaching an exact conjunction next month. This means that Piscean energies are on high— confusion, exaltation, hope, and connection to Spirit are all present during this lunation.
What is our ultimate attainable dream?
In the background, Venus and Mars in fall in disciplined Capricorn together with Pluto. This stellium insists that any exaltation we experience will be hard-won. We have work to do, shadows to face, and truth to tell. Difficult conversations are likely with Mercury and Saturn conjunct. It’s time to own our patterns, even if they’re painful to look at, and take responsibility for any wrongdoings that have caused others harm.
Through this hard work, so much love is becoming available to us. We’re beginning to recognize our shared human fallacy and come together to work towards peace and greater maturation.
In this place of not knowing, our fears could be ignited. Pisces insists that we go with the flow. She makes it impossible for us to control the outcome, asking us instead to keep our hearts soften no matter what—to keep the doors open to the possibility of redemption, unity, and even miracles.
Can we forgive ourselves? Can we love each other unconditionally, even as we set boundaries?
As Pisces pulls us into dream realms and imagination, it’s important that we don’t escape into addictions and illusions. If we fall into old traps, karmic reckonings will force us back into the cauldron. We’re facing our shadows and growing into kinder, more dignified versions of ourselves.
No matter how much we’re struggling, we can feel a glimmer of hope and endless compassion for ourselves and others. We’re figure out how to be human in a world that don’t always make sense. What new world are we ready to join together and build?
On this Pisces New Moon, may we relax our struggles and feel into the possibilities of healing, exaltation, and peace. May we step into our truth with fearlessness so that we can melt into our true essence, learning to love unconditionally.
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