Michael Massaia
February 20, 2023 – A New Moon arrives on Sunday at 11:05pm Pacific Time. Falling at 1º Pisces, this lunation foreshadows Saturn’s ingress into Pisces on March 6. The New Moon forms a conjunction with practical Saturn, who’s now at the end of Aquarius. This is a powerful moment for manifestation and for focusing on what we can do to bring our dreams into the human dimension.
What do we dream of, and what steps can we take toward realizing them? What fantasies, addictions, or delusions have been keeping us from the reality we yearn for? What changes are we ready to make in our internal and external worlds that would fundamentally adjust our lives for the better?
We can now become very clear about what we’re wanting to call in, while slowing down and trusting the process. This period is not about rushing. We can apply careful footing as we work towards our visions, especially around love and creativity.
Pausing, we can breathe and adjust to the natural rhythm that’s taking hold. If we’re showing up with integrity, heart, and perseverance, our unfoldment is ready to take place. Our paths are opening to new possibilities that feel grounded and ideal at the same time.
On this Pisces New Moon, may we feel into our hearts’ longings and apply discipline to take practical steps toward realizing them. May we stop to appreciate exactly where we are, trusting our process of growing, loving, creating, and manifesting our visions.
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