the future is now
Iris Sullivan
Pluto in Aquarius dates:
March 23, 2023–June 11, 2023
January 20, 2024–September 1, 2024
November 19, 2024–March 8, 2043
Aug 31, 2043–Jan 19, 2044
March 23, 2023 — Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23—the most important transit of the year. Pluto’s ingresses signify big changes in society. In Aquarius, sign of the future, Pluto has historically brought revolution, the spark of liberal democracy, and major technological advancement. This new era holds the potential for the implementation of more progressive values, cooperation, technological breakthrough, and freedom from oppression. We are stepping into a more humanitarian age, in which our visions of the future can finally become real.
Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius promises to alter our lives significantly. For anyone with planets or angles in Aquarius, this will be one of the most important transits of our lifetime, transforming us from the inside out. Pluto changes signs once every 20 years or so, and when he moves into a new sign, he begins to activate a different area of our charts and lives. The first hit is the most pronounced—we will feel it hard on both personal and collective levels.
Pluto spends only three months in Aquarius in 2023, then retrogrades out and returns in January 2024. This first stint will provide a powerful glimpse of what’s to come over the next two decades. Pluto is the planet of destruction, death, and rebirth, sparking crisis that leads to complete alchemy. Once Pluto hits, we will never be the same. As the focus of our transmutation shifts, we will feel volcanic eruptions confronting us with new shadows that are ready to become conscious—and new pain that is ready to evolve into wisdom.
In Aquarius, Pluto will rebirth humanity and democracy. The sign of the Water Bearer rules community, technology, rebellion, authenticity, equality, and the pinnacle of human potential. These are the areas of life that will be flung into the cauldron of evolution. As Pluto moved through Capricorn for the past twenty years, we’ve been rooting out power structures, hierarchy, traumas from the past, and the status quo. Authoritarian and conservative regimes gripped for control. Now we are catapulting into the future, and innovations and inventions are likely to abound, as well as the return of democracy and the rise of the people. AI, corruptions in technologies, plutocratic and oppressive rule, and wealth connected to the tech world are examples of what’s ready for deep scrutiny and adjustment. As we continue to fight for humanitarian ideals, they are becoming an undeniable part of our shared fabric of existence.
On a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius will activate a particular house in our natal charts, calling for total transformation in that area of life. Unconscious material is surfacing for the purpose of looking our demons in the eye and liberating from them. This work is intense but deeply necessary on our spiritual path as we pursue healing and wholeness. We are ready to become multidimensional, intuitive, and egalitarian, considering the whole more than our egos and selfish desires.
Pluto in Aquarius Apriation
As Pluto enters Aquarius, may we shed the past and embody our authentic future selves. May we feel the excitement of change, joining together to create a new version of humanity that is more egalitarian, honors our differences, and respects each individual as part of an interconnected, compassionate whole.
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