Clavis Artis
June 11, 2023 — Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23, beginning a new era in humanity—but we’re not in the clear yet. He’s in retrograde, and on June 11, he returns to Capricorn, where he’s been wreaking havoc since 2008. Pluto remains in Capricorn for the rest of the year, until January 20, 2024. At that point, he’ll move back into Aquarius then return to Capricorn for a final forty-day stint in September 2024.
We’ve been undergoing a heavy plutonic journey for the past several weeks, as Pluto formed two T-squares with Jupiter—first closing the triangle with Mars and then Venus. They’ve sparked a recalibration of love, relationships, and our inner masculine and feminine, while eliciting the pain of our blockages to deeper intimacy and self-worth. These T-squares have been asking us:
Where are our traumas still playing out unconsciously in our relational lives? Where do we still believe we are unlovable or unworthy? Where are we closing off to being loved?
While Pluto always makes a strong appearance in the collective narrative, lately we’ve been most challenged on a personal level. But the outer world begins in our individual hearts. Together we are up-leveling and growing, learning how to stay in the cauldron of truth and discomfort, keeping our hearts open no matter what.
Zooming out to the bigger picture, Pluto has been revisiting the past and the perils of patriarchy and societal and governmental resistance to progress. Ultimately, we’re moving into an age of great advancement and rapid change—but the stop-starts are still in effect. The good news is that the retrogrades will ensure that we step into the future with a proper foundation.
We can test ourselves and make sure that we are slowing down before catapulting into the vast space of evolution and exponential growth in all domains of our lives—love, creativity, courage, and even technology and politics. In the end, Pluto facilitates transformation, but only if we surrender and trust the process, even in moments of pain.
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