Sagittarius Full moon:
Balancing hope with pragmatism
Emma Kunz
13° Sagittarius 17'
8:41 PM PDT / 11:41 PM EST
June 3, 2023 — A Sagittarius Full Moon arrives on Saturday, helping us release some of the tension that’s been building over the past two weeks. We may be feeling both hopeful and a little stuck. With a trine to Mars in Leo, the planets are pushing us toward the future. We’re feeling the desire to leap into pleasure, bravery, and creativity—but Saturn in Pisces is holding us back. It’s lighting up the T-Square with Mars and Pluto from last week that’s been generating significant tension, showing us where we’ve been caught in fear, anxiety, and circumstances that are out of alignment.
We’re now ready to face painful truths so that we can elevate our lives. Our inner masculine is detoxing, helping us rise to higher levels of consciousness. If we can surrender to the cauldron of Pluto’s painful lessons, we have the opportunity to dislodge our deepest triggers and unhealthy patterns of survival. From here, we can move toward deeper fulfillment, purpose, and love.
Normally, a Sagittarius Full Moon is expansive, beckoning us into adventure and exploration in the world and in our minds. However, with Saturn constricting us, we can’t just mindlessly bound into escapism and fun. We need to know where we’re going, keeping our feet firmly planted in reality, care, and intentionality.
We’re ready to rise to new heights—especially since we’re on the heels of Jupiter conjoining the North Node. But this can only happen if we do our work. By maintaining sanity, ground, and integrity, we can clarify our goals and stop settling for less out of fear. This way, we’ll transition into new terrain more seamlessly.
Ultimately, the Full Moon is imploring us to adopt novel philosophies and ways of perceiving the world and our circumstances that are more joyful, wise, and rational as we release old blockages and outworn ways of thinking that previously held us back. We can feel the fire of hope alive in our bellies as we rally our courage and commit to establishing new mental outlooks and fresh relationships to ourselves, our connections, and the world.
Sagittarius Full Moon Aspiration
On this Sagittarius Full Moon, may we balance our optimism and enthusiasm with pragmatism, integrity, and care. May we right our minds and perspectives so we can move into the future on proper footing—with firm commitments to truth, sanity, and joy.
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