Matthew Wong
1° Sagittarius 37'
2:57pm Pacific Time
November 23, 2022 — The New Moon arrives on Wednesday at 1º Sagittarius, closing the eclipse portal on an optimistic note. This lunation is inspiring lightness and relief at the end of a particularly heavy eclipse season. Now, we can set intentions and shift our minds in order to find greater meaning, purpose, and joy.
Mars is still retrograding as we continue our process of deep recalibration. This isn’t the time to act impulsively, but to retreat, relax, and observe as much as possible. At this same time, this New Moon is helping us find the humor and silver lining in our personal work of deep change and alchemy. We can remember to laugh and enjoy nature, adventure, and each other no matter what.
Jupiter, Sagittarius’s ruler, has returned to loving Pisces, and we have the chance now for healing, forgiveness, flow, and for mending old divides. With Mercury and Venus joined together in Sagittarius, we also have extra support in getting along and having fair, even-keeled conversations. We are ready to find out where we share morals and values.
On the collective stage, so much is unfurling and changing. Mars retrograde in Gemini is affecting political leaders, power dynamics, and social media. With the New Moon at the first degree of Sagittarius, we are coming into a new shared morality—one that feels kinder, more compassionate, and loving. While some of us are still playing out our fears and opposition to change, the widening of the Saturn-Uranus square is helping us embrace fresh ideals, which have now become more mainstream and normalized. Justice is beginning to prevail as the people rise and take power. Worldwide, a large coalition of hearts is strengthening and working together for good—a defining feature of the Aquarian age, which has just begun.
Top-down hierarchy marked the old paradigm. This new paradigm is one of greater social and economic equity. If we are to create enlightened society, what would be the first requirement? For everyone to have their basic needs met? This would set the stage for all beings to have ease and the chance for awakening.
Resistance to this sort of compassionate shift is futile. Instead we might ask: How can I contribute to creating enlightened society? How can I shift my perspective to see egalitarianism as kind rather than scary?
The younger generations (particularly Gen Z, who are defined by Pluto in Sagittarius) are here to transform our belief systems. If we can settle our minds and listen, we have much to learn from young people who have grown up with different norms and education, who aren’t in need of the same types of de-conditioning as the older gens.
Can we release our dogma and egos enough to listen? This New Moon is inviting us to melt into kindness and agree on love.
Sagittarius New Moon Aspiration
On this Sagittarius New Moon, may we join together and celebrate this budding new age in humanity, defined by kindness, compassion, and togetherness. May we dissolve our fears and appreciate how far we’ve come in softening our hearts and de-conditioning harmful beliefs, both personally and in the collective sphere.
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