Scorpio Lunar Eclipse:
Remembering who we are
Scorpio constellation from The Book of Fixed Stars by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi)
May 15, 2022 — A powerful Total Scorpio Lunar Eclipse arrives on Sunday, at 9:14pm Pacific Time, closing the eclipse vortex, while triggering big emotions and life events. This eclipse is helping us release jealousies, fixations, and wounds, particularly around loss and betrayal, so we can more fully inhabit our whole and worthy selves.
Lunar Eclipses are ramped up Full Moons, which are about purification and the revelation of truth. Falling on the South Node, we could feel a push to confront our shadowy selves and uncomfortable truths so we can purify what’s no longer serving us.
Opposite to the Scorpio Moon, the Taurus Sun and North Node are teaching us the wisdom of simplicity. We’re learning how to let go of complication and relax into our dignity and embodiment of quiet confidence. We can be exactly who we are without the fear of rejection. We love and trust ourselves that much.
Meanwhile, Saturn is squaring the Sun and Moon, so we may feel karmic challenges and obstacles arising in the form of self-doubt or resistance. But these constrictions aren’t meant to stop us from our evolution and release. They’re helping us see where the tension lies inside of us so we can investigate it, make friends with our discomfort, and let it go. In doing so, we’re stepping into our authority and maturation. We’re feeling more solid as we set boundaries with ease, determining what to reject and allow in—without drama or self-punishment.
As the Lunar Eclipse forms, Pluto, the modern-day ruler of Scorpio, is forming supportive angles to the Sun and Moon, emphasizing our potentials for transformation and healing. Our suffering can become our wisdom and strength. It can help us become more honest with ourselves while sparking necessary change and the shedding of old fears.
At the same time, Mars, who’s the traditional ruler of Scorpio, is conjunct dreamy Neptune in Pisces. Our intuitions are high, and we may feel gentler, more forgiving, and compassionate towards ourselves and each other. Our anger and blame are softening and melting away as we stand more firmly yet gracefully in our truth and authenticity.
In the background, Venus, ruler of Taurus, is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Relational wounds are rising to the surface for healing. We’re becoming more self-possessed and unflappable as we understand more fully that we are enough. We’re learning to love all of ourselves, especially our mistakes and imperfections. They’re what make us uniquely human. Once and for all, we can accept that we’re beautiful exactly as we are.
Feeling into our inner feminine, we can see that we no longer need to subdue our own desires and gifts to serve another person or to make someone else more comfortable. We’re establishing reciprocity, finding the balance between giving and receiving, loving ourselves in our entirety as much as we love others. We can feel confident in walking away from situations that cause undue pain, prioritizing sanity, comfort, and genuine connections that bring us a much deeper sense of peace.
scorpio LUNAR ECLIPSE aspiration
On this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, may we release the past and old obstacles that stand in the way of our highest potentials. May we become more confident, unruffled, and loving, especially toward ourselves, as we accept our imperfections and embody our simple dignity and strength.
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