the astrology of SEPTEMBER 2022:
love is the tune
William Blake
September promises to be the most romantic and harmonious month of the year. With amorous Venus featuring strongly while Mercury retrogrades through relationship-oriented Libra, we have the chance to mend our divides and step into higher frequencies of friendship, partnership, and romance. We are examining old patterns while healing and dissolving all that is out of alignment with our higher selves.
Magic abounds this month. The Pisces Full Moon lines up with Neptune as Mercury Retrograde dips us into more psychic communication. We’ve just experienced some chaos, fighting, big shifts, and possibly abrupt endings of friendships and relationships, as Uranus and Mars crossed the North Node. We now have the chance to recalibrate and work through some of the pain and messiness that arose. Venus and Mercury are helping us settle our minds, integrate new energies and changes, and improve our communication.
As we shift into the Aquarian age, a key facet of humanity that’s beginning to change is how we love and relate to each other—a central theme for building enlightened society. This month, we are beginning an acute, beautiful recalibration as we learn to connect with one another in more sane and evolved ways.
Love is the tune this month. We’re embracing change and healing discord as we release the past and leap onto different trajectories. The impossible continues to become possible as we inhabit Aquarius’ multidimensionality, which exists beyond the normal constraints of space and time.
On September 5, Venus enters Virgo, and we may feel called to be of greater service to each other and offer the best of ourselves. We’re sorting out what works and what doesn’t in our relationships, while fine-tuning our approaches to love with clarity, gentleness, honesty, and an eye on self-improvement. By the end of the month, Venus forms a harmonious Grand Earth Trine with shocking Uranus and transformative Pluto. She’s preparing us for an emergence of fresh, powerful relationship energies that break us out of old ruts and patterns and set us onto more aligned paths of friendship, justice, and peace.
On September 9, Mercury goes retrograde at 8° Libra, turning direct on October 2 at the end of Virgo. While Mercury retrogrades cause difficulties with travel, making decisions, and understanding each other, they also help us tune into our hearts, dip into magic, and communicate telepathically. As Mercury begins his retrograde in Libra, we are likely to revisit old affairs or relational patterns, integrating new energies that have been percolating around our connections. So much has been changing lately with Uranus and Mars crossing the North Node at the end of July and into August. We can take this as an opportunity to slow down and process our thoughts along with any unexpected events that recently changed the course of our lives.
A Full Moon arrives on September 10 at 17º Pisces. Magic springs forth as it conjoins with Neptune and sextiles Uranus. This is possibly the best Full Moon of the year—gentle, loving, and dreamy, with the potential for wish fulfillment, positive release, and long-awaited shifts. We could find ourselves letting something go, stepping into greater love, or both.
On September 18, the Sun trines Pluto, stabilizing and empowering our self-transformation. We are shedding old skin and stepping into new versions of ourselves, embodying the deep changes that have been in the works for a while. We could take the time to look deeply at our journeys and self-concept, noticing what it feels like to be in the world as more evolved versions of ourselves. Have we been shedding old patterns? Becoming more aware of our shadows? Are we more willing to have difficult conversations and go into deeper intimacy? We are ready to pause and appreciate how far we’ve come in our healing work.
On September 22, the Sun enters Libra, heralding the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern. No matter where we are, we can feel the balance of the Scales, as day and night are of equal length. We are entering the season of romance, where peace, harmony, and negotiation are more possible. We can tune into nuance and see both sides of a story with greater ease. As we leave Virgo season behind, we are becoming less critical and more accepting, orienting more to our relationships than our journeys of self.
On September 23, the, Sun joins Mercury at 0° Libra. This is extra significant since it falls on one of the four cardinal degrees (0° Aries, 0° Cancer, 0° Libra, 0° Capricorn)—the most potent degrees of the zodiac, marking the beginnings of each season. Together, the Sun and Mercury bring clarity and mental alertness. Since Mercury is retrograding, this can be a powerful moment in our process of reflection, mental recalibration, and seeing old situations in a new light. We might also revisit misunderstandings from the past and work them out, either in our own minds or with each other. It’s important that we communicate from the heart now, tuning into feelings and energies more than just words.
The New Moon arrives on September 25 at 2° Libra, falling opposite to Jupiter in Aries. We could feel extra enthusiastic and adventurous today, while finding the balance between cooperation and our own individual desires. We might also notice a new philosophy, morality, or framework of meaning coming together that we agree upon and share with others. Life is shining a little brighter. We’re laughing harder and feeling more optimistic as we hold hands and work together with greater synergy and mutuality.
Mercury retrograde conjoins with Venus on September 26 at 26° Virgo, increasing the likelihood of having more flowing conversations and agreement. Like the Sun conjunct Mercury, this is another chance for beautiful dialogue and sorting out previous quarrels and miscommunications. This could be a good time to meditate with each other and engage in more spiritual, creative, or imaginative social activities. Clarity and insights prevail. Once again, the power of our communication lies in the transmission of our heart, not in our verbal expressions.
On September 30, Venus enters Libra, one of her natural domiciles along with Taurus. Here, she is very happy and empowered, which means creativity, romance, and partnerships are stronger than usual. Over the next few weeks, Venus will lead us down beautiful paths—crossing the Sun, opposing Jupiter, and trining Mars, the other relational planet, who is now in social Gemini. Love is overtaking us, and we may find that interpersonal calamity and disagreements are now smoothing out. We’re surrounding ourselves with people who feel better suited for us than before, as we beam with self-acceptance and mutual appreciation.
September is a gorgeous month for love, friendship, and magic. Venus and Mercury, planets of romance and communication, are working together synergistically, helping us forge new connections that feel more loving, mature, and aligned. Mercury is retrograding through relational Libra before moving back into Virgo, and we’re recalibrating our minds and integrating any chaos that erupted over the past month as Uranus and Mars crossed the North Node. We have the chance to send messages of love from our hearts rather than rely solely on words. In fact, with Mercury retrograding, heart messages will land easier than long texts or verbal communication. We can be sure to take our time in understanding each other, operating primarily from compassion, rather than intellect or a desire to win. As the new paradigm takes root, we are finally learning how to get along—the perfect foundation for creating a more egalitarian and balanced society. Libra season transitions us from the journey of self to thinking of others. We can soften our criticisms and embrace the energy of kindness and acceptance, finding ways to harmonize with loved ones’ discordant notes.
As we near the end of summer, may we feel the heat of compassion and dive into the cool lakes of clarity. May we learn to love each other in different ways that resonate with our newfound wisdom, clarity, open-heartedness, and multidimensional growth.
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