Making Our Dreams real
Robert Mapplethorpe
April 30, 2022 — The Taurus Solar Eclipse arrives on Saturday, at 1:28pm Pacific Time, opening the eclipse vortex—a two-week period of extra intense karmic ripening. Our timelines are speeding up, and we’re shedding old patterns, traumas, and wounds. We’re also incorporating novel lessons that will thrust us onto a more exalted path. Solar Eclipses are always ramped up New Moons that spark potent new beginnings. This time, it’s especially affecting love.
As the eclipse forms, Venus, planet of love and ruler of Taurus, is conjoined with Jupiter and Pisces in a once-in-a-lifetime transit. In fact, she will align exactly with Jupiter just forty-five minutes after the eclipse. Venus formed her exact conjunction with Neptune a few days ago, sending us foggy signals, which could now become more lucid and tangible. At the same time, the potentials are amplified for new relationships to start and for healing and forgiveness to take place.
In many ways, this is an incredibly romantic day. Our hearts are expanding, and we could experience a renewal of love. We’re learning how to step into greater compassion and spiritual connection, while keeping our feet firmly planted in reality and dignity. This is because Saturn is squaring the lunar nodes, insisting that we stay anchored, generate integrity, and do our work. Saturn’s teaching us that we must root to the Earth before we can experience heaven. If we are being realistic and true to ourselves, we may notice the initial rumblings of miraculous shifts. While the miracle may not happen right way, this eclipse marks a significant turning point, which may become more noticeable later on.
With Uranus conjunct the Solar Eclipse, we may have epiphanies or breakthroughs now that catapult us onto entirely new trajectories. Our priorities are altering, and our notions of love are becoming much more mature and multi-dimensional. If we’re out of alignment with our authenticity and truth, this could be a jarring wake-up call, helping us find a more appropriate course.
In the collective sphere, we may observe erraticism in the markets or big financial shifts, since Venus and Taurus rule money. We could also notice that our priorities are adjusting and that the Earth and environmentalism are becoming much more pressing matters that we’re acknowledging with more conscious awareness. More disasters will likely strike throughout the next year as we continue to experience Taurus-Scorpio eclipses. After all, the Taurus North Node points to improving our relationship with the Earth, while the Scorpio South Node elicits crises that lead to powerful transformation.
In the meantime, as we prepare for this week’s Solar Eclipse and step into the eclipse vortex, we can clarify our dreams. From here, we can apply our Taurean realism and pragmatism to slow down and take the necessary steps to make them real. We are changing rapidly while taking our time to ensure that we are at peace with ourselves. We’re placing one foot in front of the other, with steadiness, pleasure, and simple resolve. Our deliberation and patience are helping to ensure that we’re choosing the best path while maintaining long-term progress and positive change.
In the end, Taurus’ wisdom lies in simplicity. Are we hungry? We can eat. Are we tired? We can rest. Do we long for company? We can invite someone over. Taurus manifests her desires by having the simple courage to state her needs and manifest them, while offering her beauty, sensuality, and generosity throughout the process. May we all learn to do the same.
On this Taurus Solar Eclipse, may we feel our hearts expand into deeper love, forgiveness, and healing. May we begin to make our dreams real by clarifying our visions, releasing old complications, and taking careful, practical steps toward miraculous change.
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