Robert Mapplethorpe
February 22, 2022 — On February 22, 2022 (2-22-22), the United States experiences its first exact Pluto Return, sparking catastrophe and eventually, spiritual evolution. Today, the planet Pluto returns to the same position in the sky as it was during the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Pluto moves in roughly 248-year cycles, and this is the first time our country has experienced one. Since Pluto is the planet of death, revolution, and transformation, we are reaching a critical period in the rebirthing of the United States that will last throughout this year and beyond.
Pluto is Lord of the Underworld and ruler of Scorpio. He leads us to our depths, forcing us to face any shadows that we’ve been hiding from. As the slowest moving planet in our solar system, Pluto packs a punch, and we’ve already been feeling his effects as he’s drawn close to his exact return.
The United States’ Pluto falls in its second house, the house of finances. Looking back, the U.S. Pluto opposition occurred in the 1930s, the onset of the Great Depression. Today, during the first of three exact Pluto Returns, Russia has just invaded Ukraine. This will have severe consequences for the United States economically. We can expect crisis energy that leads to significant restructuring of our country, and ultimately the rest of the world.
No matter how hard it gets, we can emerge wiser, purified, and more whole as a country. We’re ready to step into a higher elevation of society as we strip away lies, mass manipulation, and harmful practices and structures. There's no hiding from Pluto—he’s ready to face us with hard truths and immense challenges until we fundamentally transform.
During the U.S. Pluto Return, may we feel our strength and surrender to the fires of transmutation. May we trust our unfolding, believing that whatever challenges we meet will ultimately lead us to a higher place.
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