Virgo Full Moon:
The Axis of Healing

by Juliana McCarthy

Matthew Wong

Matthew Wong

The Virgo Full Moon arrives on Saturday at 12:17am Pacific Time, falling along the most healing axis of the zodiac. The Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo help us connect with gentle discipline and forgiveness as we blend our spiritual and earthly selves, appreciating that we are perfectly imperfect. We are in the process of birthing a new reality, and this Moon reminds us to begin within ourselves.

Cathartic Uranus forms a supportive trine to this Full Moon, offering us relief in a time of mental difficulty, when the planets have pushed many past their limits. We have the chance now to release the pent up stress and anxiety from the past couple of weeks. We can receive messages of wisdom from any difficulties that have emerged, seeing our patterns clearly as we let go of our struggle.

The year 2021 is marked by three crunchy and electric Saturn-Uranus squares, the first of which occurred last week. While jolting and destabilizing, they are pushing us to break free of old ruts. Luckily, the next couple of weeks provide ease and flow, helping us integrate the zaps of this disruptive transit. 

Venus, planet of love and beauty, is now in Pisces, sign of exalted love and transcendence. She’s moving toward the Sun, helping us heal rifts, establish harmony, and embrace each other unconditionally. At the same time, all planets are moving direct until April 28. It’s a good time to harness Virgo’s discipline to organize our lives in support of our dreams, goals, and future plans. We can take time to establish healthy routines, boundaries, and daily practices that support our sanity and peace moving forward.

Meanwhile, we’ve been undergoing powerful work to ready ourselves for healthier relationships, and Virgo holds important keys. What needs improvement in our bodies, hearts, and lives so that we can invite someone in? Can we acknowledge our imperfections and problems, and work on them with friends and partners in productive ways? We’re becoming more emotionally mature after a year of recalibrating our relationships and stepping into greater awareness and accountability. It’s now time to put our newfound lessons into practice.

Jupiter soon enters Pisces in May, and will again throughout 2022, so in many ways, the next couple of weeks offer glimpses of the expansion and harmony that are possible down the road. We might ask ourselves: Is anything blocking us from allowing peace and joy? Do we feel undeserving? Unworthy? Addicted to the drama of our anxious storylines? Are old traumas surrounding our hearts in porcupine quills out of fear of being hurt again?

Pisces reminds us of the heart underlying our whole process. We can relax our spinning minds and just be, feeling our love expand as we commune with nature, the sky, and one another. 

As we step off the hamster wheel and drop into our hearts, what do we feel? The only thing that is really happening is what is happening right now—the room around us, the light, colors, bird songs, the snoring dog, gravity holding us in place. Anything else is a story of our own making. We can let that go, again and again, and return to love, peace, and the simplicity of right now.

On this Virgo Full Moon, may we find the balance between discipline and flow, discernment and unconditional love. May we integrate the electric jolts of the past couple of weeks, allowing the Virgo-Pisces axis to carry us forward, with compassion, restfulness, and clarity.

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