virgo full moon while
Saturn moves into pisces:
joining heaven + earth
Matthew Wong
16° Virgo 40'
4:40am PST / 7:40 AM EST
March 7, 2023 — A Virgo Full Moon forms on Tuesday, just a couple hours after Saturn’s ingress into Pisces. The Sun and Moon are squaring Mars in Gemini, so our minds could seem wild, overcome with worry, distraction, or spinning thoughts. Falling along the Virgo-Pisces axis, we are finding the balance between order and relaxation, disciplined self-care and the act of just being.
Virgo is organized and service-oriented, teaching us to take care of our health and serve others. She is humble and devoted, working in the background to help friends and problem solve with little fanfare. If we’re feeling overwhelmed, we can harness the Virgo Full Moon, applying her gentle discipline to find practical ways to care for our bodies, minds, and spirits.
With the Full Moon in wide opposition to Neptune, it’s important to slow down and meditate, dropping into our hearts and spirituality. We’re joining heaven and earth, strengthening our roots while opening our crowns. Sitting up straight, we can let ourselves feel, expanding our capacity for compassion and empathy. If we’re holding any grief, we can allow it to rise and soften us. By doing so, we’ll start to see the world for what is truly is—sacred and full of love.
A couple hours before the Virgo Full Moon forms, Saturn moves into Pisces in one of the most important transits of the year. Saturn has been visiting the signs that he rules for the past six years, lending to increased seriousness and rigidity. Dipping into Pisces, we might feel dreamier or more confused as our structures dissolve into the ocean of transcendence and oneness.
The beauty of this ingress is that we can now come together in love as we build new structures and shared morals that are kinder, more inclusive, and less destructive. Meanwhile, we’re tightening the ship around our addictions and finding new modalities of healing to address our traumas and mental struggles. At the same time, spiritual tools are becoming more mainstream. We’re embracing plant medicines and healing our connections to the divine and the Earth so we can become more whole.
Fantasies are becoming real as we merge our idealism with practicality. We’re sharpening our discernment and figuring out the next steps toward manifesting our dreams. Learn more about Saturn in Pisces in my Patreon video.
Saturn in Pisces Aspiration
As the Virgo Full Moon forms and Saturn moves into Pisces, may we join heaven and earth—blending spiritual transcendence with gentle discipline. May we tend to our bodies and minds, finding meaningful ways to heal so we help create a better world.
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