winter solstice:
The Silence of fresh snow
Harold Sohlberg
December 21, 2021 — Happy Solstice!
Today is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice in the Southern. In the North, this is the darkest day of the year, before the turning of the light. Now we open the portal to winter, as well as Capricorn season. This is a time to dive into our innermost beings, feeling the warmth of solitude and retreat. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge our regrets, resentments, and fears, offering them to the light of our self-awareness and acceptance. Sitting by the fire, we can feel the arms of loving-kindness embrace our imperfections, messiness, and vulnerability.
With the Sun sextiling Jupiter today, we might feel a certain optimism or potential emerging, even in the darkness. We can tune into Jupiter's hope and the possibility for healing this season, especially in our relationships. Jupiter reminds us to believe in ourselves and not to give up on ourselves or each other.
With the Moon in cozy Cancer opposite to Venus and Pluto retrograde, we may feel a powerful urge to nest and recalibrate our hearts. Deep feelings have been rising to the surface, and we can now hibernate and allow ourselves time to unpack old wounds. We can appreciate what we have while establishing greater security in our selves, relationships, and lives. We’re healing old rifts with loved ones and dismantling childhood triggers and patterns, together.
In a world of great division and individualism, a big lesson for us now is to accept how much we need each other. How can we show up for each other better in mutual love and support?
Capricorn can be cold—he brings winter, after all—but he’s also reliable, consistent, and practical. Diving into the ocean of compassion, the sea-goat returns to shore to slowly climb the impossible mountain, never running away from hard work or cooperation.
May we embrace the wisdom of Capricorn this season while allowing Jupiter’s light to fill our hearts with the warmth of possibility.
Lots of love to everyone!
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