The Astrology of December 2024:
PASSION + patience
Matthew Wong
December 1, 2024 — December begins with a Sagittarius New Moon squaring heavy Saturn. The planets are pulling us back into old karma and challenges for the sake of rectification. Meanwhile, Mercury is already retrograding, and Mars follows suit on December 6, drawing us into a months-long period of reflection. We’re returning to unfinished business and taking our time to figure out what we want.
Which direction will we take? What do we most deeply desire?
Love is on the table, ready for transformation. Venus enters Aquarius on December 7, conjoining alchemical Pluto while opposing Mars. Our passions are erupting, but we don’t know how our stories will play out. It would be wise to harness these creative and sexual surges and apply them toward personal projects or self-healing. We aren’t sure yet where we’re going, and we could end up in dramatic messes if we rush decisions or act too soon.
With so much bubbling to the surface, especially as Mars begins to oppose Pluto again by the end of December, fighting is possible. A more productive approach to this month would be to reflect on our previous orientations to anger, impulses, and ego. We’re in the process of major recalibration, and we won’t gain full clarity until Mars stations on February 23 and leaves its shadow on May 2.
In the meantime, we can surrender to the process, trusting that whatever is transforming inside of us will lead us to our proper paths. We’re shedding the past and old versions of ourselves—outworn anger, defensiveness, triggering, and unhealthy pride in particular. By summer of 2025, we’ll enter into a whole new energetic chapter. We’re now beginning preparations for that inside these cauldrons of deep change.
December 2024 TRANSITS
A Sagittarius New Moon forms on December 1, falling opposite Jupiter while squaring Saturn. Our desire to bound into the future is now thwarted. We have unresolved karma to tend to and practical matters that are rearing their heads, making sure we proceed correctly. This isn’t the time to plant seeds recklessly. We are entering a potent period that’s beckoning us to question where we’re going next. Like a tree, we need to root into the earth properly in order to grow as tall as possible.
A Mercury Cazimi forms on December 5, as Mercury retrograde crosses the Sun. We can expect insights today—sudden knowledge of what this retrograde is all about. Pay attention to any epiphanies, ideas, or interesting thoughts or conversations that arise.
Mars retrograde begins on December 6, imploring us to slow down and look to the past. If we want to move forward, we first need to tend to unfinished issues—unresolved arguments, misunderstandings, and incomplete projects. It’s a good period for hibernation and to unpack previous events and take inventory. We can give ourselves space to make decisions and determine our next steps. This is not the time to sever ties, plunge into new commitments, or burn bridges. We can wait and see how we feel when Mars finally stations. We have until the end of February to fully undergo this process of reflection.
Venus moves into Aquarius on December 7 and immediately conjoins Pluto, then opposes Mars on December 12. Venus, planet of love, is ready for a powerful journey of transformation and passion. It’s important not to rush decisions or act on romantic or sexual impulses now without understanding the consequences. We’re feeling the pull between our ego drives and our broader orientation toward interconnection and our highest dreams. We might slow down and channel any fiery feelings that arise into creative or healing pursuits. Much is transforming around love, relationships, sexuality, and desires—we can feel and witness these shifts and the drama brewing inside us, making sure not to cause harm to ourselves or others.
A Gemini Full Moon arrives on December 15, squaring dreamy Neptune in Pisces. Our minds may feel a little foggy, and truth is difficult to discern. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, is set to station direct later in the day, granting us much-needed clarity. The planets’ message is paradoxical, just like the Twins—If we can surrender to not knowing, relaxing our spinning minds and over-intellectualization, we will suddenly see through the haze. Insights and lucidity are ready to abound. This is the last Full Moon of 2024, so it’s a beautiful opportunity to release all that doesn’t serve us and to forgive ourselves and others before the New Year begins. How can we move into deeper acceptance? How can we melt resentments and anger into love? It’s a good moment to realize that this is all a dream—one we can honor fully while remembering not to hold on too tightly.
Mercury Stations Direct on December 15, just hours after the Gemini Full Moon. With Mercury trining Mars and the North Node, we’re beginning to see the fruits of our inner reflections. This is a moment to clarify our thoughts, sharpen our communication, and find new understanding after a period of introspection. Though we remain in a season of many retrogrades, the fog is lifting, revealing what we’ve been recalibrating in our minds, beliefs, desires, and the ways we express ourselves. There’s a quiet strength emerging in us now. It’s not about proving anything—it’s about feeling true confidence and relaxing into the deep, inner knowing that we are whole, worthy, and connected to something far greater than ourselves. We are learning to trust the universe while also preparing for the steps that will carry us toward a new, exciting chapter set to begin in summer 2025.
Venus in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini on December 19, offering a little peace, love, and reprieve. We may feel ease in our relationships and hearts as Jupiter blesses our love and connections. This is a beautiful day to socialize, go to a party, spend time with friends, feel the excitement of new love, or go on a date. It’s the easiest, most joyful transit of December.
The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21, marking winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, summer in the southern. In the northern hemisphere, this is the longest night of the year, but in both cases, it marks the turning of the light. Capricorn is the embodiment of dedication, integrity, family, and pragmatism. The Goat knows which mountains he wants to climb, and lays out a course to accomplish it. We can take this opportunity to reel in our Sagittarian wildness and dedicate ourselves to what’s most important to us in all facets of our lives.
On December 28, Venus squares electric Uranus—the planet of love receiving a jolt from shocking Uranus. By this time, Mars retrograde is in a tight orb to his second opposition to Pluto, which will be exact on January 2. These are rough transits for relationships—we may notice sudden attractions or losses of interest. Fighting is likely, but so are passionate or sexual displays. Once again, we need to be intentional in how we work with these energies. We’re playing with fire, so we might slow down and observe our minds, feelings, and bodies. We can allow thoughts and sensations to move through us fully before acting impulsively. If we’re feeling angry or destructive, it’s time to anchor into the Earth and take deep breaths. We can honor the wisdom of our afflicted emotions. They are pointing to where we need to heal, adjust course, or break free from painful dynamics. One thing is certain—the planets are ensuring that we evolve on the deepest levels. We’re becoming more authentic and aligned with our truest selves and longings.
A Capricorn New Moon forms on December 30, offering us the perfect opportunity for New Year’s resolutions. Capricorn is about practicality and follow through, and now we can formulate our aspirations for the coming year, determining our steps to realize them.
In the quiet of winter, may we still our minds and reflect on all that’s unresolved inside of us. May we generate patience, even in the throes of passion, trusting that clarity will come if we allow ourselves this time to feel, observe, and consider what we truly want.
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