Libra New Moon:
Recalibrating Our minds + Relationships
October 16, 2020 — The Libra New Moon arrives on Friday, at 12:31 PM Pacific Time, sparking recalibration around inner peace and relationships. It’s time to soothe our minds—calming our fears, paranoias, and beliefs that we’re unlovable. We can make a plan to be gentler with ourselves from here out.
Discomfort may be necessary as we face difficult truths, but we can integrate them with compassion. This lunation is forming a T-square with the Sun, Mars, and the paradigm-shifting Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction. At the same time, Mercury is retrograding through psychological Scorpio, plunging us into powerful work around our minds and communication. These transits indicate that while we’re moving toward harmony, relationships are now challenged. We’re learning to confront each other in healthier ways, with more kindness, honesty, and maturity. Old anger and frustrations are now rising to the surface so we can disarm our triggers and establish greater equanimity.
This Libra New Moon is trining the Gemini North Node, nudging our evolutionary journeys forward. The planets are encouraging deeper acceptance of ourselves and others as we take inventory of our relationships, and remember what’s come before—the good, the bad, and the neutral.
Libra teaches us to master paradox. The more we’re able to hold two opposing states at once—insanity and sanity, kindness and cruelty, logic and warmth—the more likely that harmony can prevail. We’re all everything, and if we can neutralize the charge of our emotions, we can heal the divisiveness in our hearts and the world.
Observing our patterns around love and communication, what do we notice? Have we been projecting blame onto others, rather than owning our own jagged edges? How can we love those jagged edges more so that we can struggle less with the outer world?
While we’re now tossed and turned by turbulent seas, we’re coming into deeper understanding of our ourselves. We’re discovering the indestructible calm that lies within us, no matter what’s happening in the world or in our thoughts. Both the beauty and the curse is that for now, we have no choice but to face ourselves and to do this work. The storms are requiring us to look at ourselves honestly so that our future paths and relationships can embody more maturity, balance, and love.
As the clouds form overhead, may we take this opportunity to turn inward and face ourselves honestly. May we make peace with ourselves. Then we walk out into the world with greater compassion and acceptance for all that we meet, dissolving discord while supporting each other with greater mastery and ease.
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