the astrology of March 2022:
Decay + Surrender Bring New Life
Carl Svante Hallbeck
The Astrology of March is rich and complex, with significant conjunctions falling in the signs of karmic Capricorn, shocking Aquarius, and ethereal Pisces. We’re diving deep into our shadows as old fears and entanglements rear their heads. Confronting our pain, we can untangle from unconscious knots and return to love, harmony, forgiveness, and peace.
We have much to sort out in matters of relationships this month, with Venus and Mars hyperactive, facing ample tests from the outer planets. We could experience tremendous healing and breakthrough if we remember to keep our hearts soft and open, no matter what—with ample compassion, forgiveness, and the willingness to try again.
All planets are now direct, and the Sun will soon move into Aries, marking the Spring Equinox. Fresh shoots will rise from the ashes as we move ahead with greater speed. We’re learning our lessons, breaking from old addictive patterns, and making space in our hearts for true acceptance and surrender.
March Transits
The Pisces New Moon arrives on March 2, conjunct Jupiter, who’s closing in on Neptune. The two planetary rulers of Pisces are now close to the New Moon, and healing and miracles are possible. The normal escapist tendencies of Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune are tempered by a trio of planets in Capricorn—Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The planets of love are meeting the Lord of the Underworld, and we’re facing our pain and toxicity with honesty so that we can learn to truly love ourselves, especially parts of ourselves that we’re ashamed of or normally keep hidden.
The exact conjunction between Venus, Mars, and Pluto occurs on March 3, at 28º Capricorn. This could be a time of messy exchanges and conflicts. Unconscious fears and complications could rise to the surface for purgation, deep healing, and transformation—especially in matters of the heart. This conjunction occurs on the United States’ Pluto, so political turmoil is also likely to erupt during this time (as it seems to be).
Venus and Mars move into Aquarius together on March 6, conjoining at 0º. We’re starting to feel more liberated as we emerge from our challenging Plutonian work. Relationships hold a frequency of freshness, and group activities, friendships, and communities are very important now. This is also a powerful moment for humanitarianism and for the people joining together in loving rebellion.
A Virgo Full Moon forms on March 18, forming a powerful trine to Pluto. We have another chance at emotional transformation. We can ground into self-care, while balancing our dreaminess and confusion with Virgo’s clarity and logic. It’s time to establish boundaries and anchor into healthy routines that offset the expansiveness of the Pisces Sun, which is moving in closer and closer proximity to water Neptune and boundless Jupiter.
Venus and Mars form an exact square to Uranus on March 19 and 22, respectively. Sudden lust and love and unexpected turns of events are striking. Relational shock is also possible. But any upheavals that we experience are here to ensure that sure that we’re in authentic alignment.
The second New Moon of the month arrives on March 31 (April 1 in some parts of the world). Falling in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, this means that new energies are emerging. We are stepping onto fresh pathways and leaving our recent turmoil behind. Conjunct Aries, this New Moon can help us heal our bodies, hearts, and confidence. Full of vitality and inspiration, we can take leaps toward our impulses and desires.
March Summary
March presents a cornucopia of challenges and lessens, which are meant to aid us in deep healing by confronting us with our shadows. Relationally, we are in for a rocky ride as Venus and Mars meet with the power of Pluto and Uranus. First, Pluto forces us to admit our most painful truths without running away, then Uranus thrusts us into liberation. With the Sun in Pisces and Jupiter and Neptune closing in on their conjunction, the softness of our hearts and our connections to Spirit are holding us through these immense challenges and breakthroughs. As the Sun ingresses into Aries, beginning the Spring Equinox, we are ready to forge new pathways. The second New Moon of the month, on March 31, allows us to move away from our struggles and feel refreshed, inspired, courageous, and healed. Perhaps it all begins to make sense—the calamity, heartbreak, and strife—which have become fertile ground for new life.
March Aspiration
As we reach the end of winter and the snow begins to melt, may we appreciate all of the difficulties we’ve embraced without escaping in fear. May we honor the fresh green shoots rising from the cold Earth, surviving early spring frosts with strength, delicacy, and resilience.
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